OOM: Room 76 (Sim Room) -- Squadron Briefing!

Dec 20, 2005 12:33

Jag has found half a dozen chairs and placed them in a group at the back of the room. The sims themselves are empty at the moment-- he came in earlier to run any interlopers off, with the promise that they could come back after the briefing ( Read more... )

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Comments 112

Greetings/Entrance col_cardboard December 20 2005, 18:02:25 UTC
Jag stands at the front of the room, clipboard in hand. Bar gave it to him as something of a joke, but he thinks it was a wonderful idea and so has his agenda clipped securely in place.

Yes, that's right. He has an agenda.


Re: Greetings/Entrance kessel_angel December 20 2005, 18:57:26 UTC
Lujayne wanders in, sighing, dragging Biggs with her. In her pocket are some earplugs. She silently thanks her sister for the idea. "Biggs don't be stupid, just come on."

Biggs sighs and finally walks in of his own will.


Re: Greetings/Entrance jedipilot December 20 2005, 18:59:33 UTC
Jaina's been in the room for a while now, since coming up to hide on a sim. She's finally, if not reluctantly, moved away from Jag to take a seat on one of the chairs. Unsurprisingly, though, it's the chair closest to the Chiss commander.

Her eyes keep flickering between him and the door. Zekk's on his way. She's not happy about that at all.


Re: Greetings/Entrance jawaswag December 20 2005, 19:05:01 UTC
Gavin pokes his head in to the room, smiling when he sees the table, chairs, and people already there.

As he walks by Jag, he gives the man a brief salute. And then hurries over to a seat.

Don't want to be late on the first squadron meeting, of course.


Announcements col_cardboard December 20 2005, 18:03:50 UTC
Jag clears his throat. "If you'll settle down, I'll get to the biggest piece of business. If we're going to function as a squadron, then there are a few rules you should know about."

He waits for the inevitable noises of protest to die away, then continues.

"First, squadron uniforms. Major Janson has already handed out your patches-- some of you have already put them on your current uniforms, so think of this as just a reminder for the rest of you."

He continues. "Second: since we have no ships and no missions, I am going to improvise. All members of the squadron will be obligated to complete no less than four hours on the sims for every week they spend in the Bar. Those who return to their own universe must leave a note saying when they're leaving if they wish to be excused from sim requirements."


Re: Announcements jedizekk December 20 2005, 19:43:14 UTC
"What about when you leave?" Zekk rolls his eyes. "Who gets the vapin' note then?"


Re: Announcements col_cardboard December 20 2005, 19:59:52 UTC
"My second-in-command," Jag answers.

No, he hasn't actually picked anyone for that position yet. He will, though.


Re: Announcements jedizekk December 20 2005, 20:03:10 UTC
He looks at him skeptically. "And who's that?"


General Questions col_cardboard December 20 2005, 18:34:15 UTC
"Anything I haven't covered that you want to address?" he asks the room at large.


Re: General Questions jawaswag December 20 2005, 21:34:51 UTC
Gavin raises his hand. "Are these briefings going to be a regular thing?"

He really hopes not. No matter how entertaining it proved to be.


Re: General Questions col_cardboard December 20 2005, 21:43:37 UTC
Jag looks at the bits of pastry scattered around the room, and at the people whose arguements he's had to break up today.

"No. Briefings will be held for major announcements, and I will speak to everyone privately about their simulator scores."


Re: General Questions jawaswag December 20 2005, 21:46:44 UTC
His grin brightens. "Really? That's great! ...I mean, yes sir."


Chatter afterwards col_cardboard December 20 2005, 18:35:26 UTC
Jag sighs and shakes his head.

That went well.


Re: Chatter afterwards jedizekk December 20 2005, 21:38:38 UTC
At some point after the squadron meeting's dismissed, Zekk (reluctantly) walks up to Jag.

"Know she's not going to apologize, but-" - stow it, Jaina! - "-we think at some level, she is sorry."


Re: Chatter afterwards col_cardboard December 20 2005, 21:56:24 UTC
Jag sighs and shakes his head. "I don't know what to do with her sometimes."


Re: Chatter afterwards jedizekk December 20 2005, 22:10:36 UTC
Zekk shrugs, grinning a little. "Know what you mean. She's sithspittin' difficult."

He rolls his eyes at Jaina's response in his head. It's the truth.


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