OOM: Room 76 (Sim Room) -- Squadron Briefing!

Dec 20, 2005 12:33

Jag has found half a dozen chairs and placed them in a group at the back of the room. The sims themselves are empty at the moment-- he came in earlier to run any interlopers off, with the promise that they could come back after the briefing ( Read more... )

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Announcements col_cardboard December 20 2005, 18:03:50 UTC
Jag clears his throat. "If you'll settle down, I'll get to the biggest piece of business. If we're going to function as a squadron, then there are a few rules you should know about."

He waits for the inevitable noises of protest to die away, then continues.

"First, squadron uniforms. Major Janson has already handed out your patches-- some of you have already put them on your current uniforms, so think of this as just a reminder for the rest of you."

He continues. "Second: since we have no ships and no missions, I am going to improvise. All members of the squadron will be obligated to complete no less than four hours on the sims for every week they spend in the Bar. Those who return to their own universe must leave a note saying when they're leaving if they wish to be excused from sim requirements."


Re: Announcements jedizekk December 20 2005, 19:43:14 UTC
"What about when you leave?" Zekk rolls his eyes. "Who gets the vapin' note then?"


Re: Announcements col_cardboard December 20 2005, 19:59:52 UTC
"My second-in-command," Jag answers.

No, he hasn't actually picked anyone for that position yet. He will, though.


Re: Announcements jedizekk December 20 2005, 20:03:10 UTC
He looks at him skeptically. "And who's that?"


Re: Announcements col_cardboard December 20 2005, 20:07:55 UTC
"He or she will be named at a later date," he says briskly, and turns to address another comment.


Re: Announcements jedizekk December 20 2005, 20:10:17 UTC
"In other words, no one?" Zekk laughs, amused. Jaina's bad mood is obviously rubbing off on him. "Some squadron leader-"

"Oh, kriff off, Zekk!"


Re: Announcements jedipilot December 20 2005, 20:12:02 UTC
She turns around in her seat to glare at her mindmate. "Just cause you kri-"

"Leave that out of this," he interrupts angrily.

"Then leave Jag alone!"


Re: Announcements jedizekk December 20 2005, 20:13:26 UTC
Zekk ducks as a pastry goes flying towards his head and sticks his tongue out at Jaina as it smashes into the wall.



Re: Announcements jedipilot December 20 2005, 20:17:09 UTC
"Kriff off."


Re: Announcements jedizekk December 20 2005, 20:17:55 UTC
Smiiiirk. "Already did."


Re: Announcements jedipilot December 20 2005, 20:19:52 UTC
Another pastry goes flying, this time hitting Zekk hard on the chest. "Blasted nerfherder!"


Re: Announcements jedizekk December 20 2005, 20:30:13 UTC
Zekk stares down at the pastry on his chest and then up at Jaina, clicking in the back of his throat.

Unknowingly, Jaina starts to click too, glaring at Zekk.

"What the-"


Re: Announcements jedipilot December 20 2005, 20:32:23 UTC
Jaina rolls her eyes. "You know perfectly-"

"Sithspawn, we didn't-"

"Yes you kriffing did!"


Re: Announcements col_cardboard December 20 2005, 20:45:29 UTC
"Jaina! Zekk!" he snaps sharply. "Stow it, both of you."


Re: Announcements jedipilot December 20 2005, 20:50:44 UTC
Jaina and Zekk look up from their fighting to Jag, angry expressions still on both of their faces.

But they both silent up anyway.


Re: Announcements farmboyrebel December 20 2005, 19:50:09 UTC
Biggs has his patch on, has had it sicne he got it, right below the patch for Red Squadron.

"It would be nice to be able to leave." Biggs leans over and mutters to Wes. "Kriffit, there's no -way- I can get out of that. Kriffing being stuck. And who does the kid think he is, makin' rules. This is the end of the universe. One would think that rules are a bit superfluous."


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