11:30 pm

Dec 20, 2010 16:24

11:30 pm
pairing: Seohyun/Yonghwa
genre: fluff, romance
rating: pg

Day 1, 11:30 pm


His members didn't wait a second before bombarding him with questions as soon as he swung the door open. Honestly, he expected to be asked some questions but didn't think there would be so many. Who would've thought that these silly bastards would stay up until 11:30 at night just to interrogate him about the maknae of sonyuh shidae and his soon to be wife.

"Was she as adorable as people said she is to be?"

He got a heart attack when he first found out that Seo Joo-Hyun was going to be his partner on the show. Not only him actually but the rest of his members, even his manager was sweating when he heard the news. She was known for her innocence and of course, her humungous love for sweet potatoes that he disliked ever so much. How the hell was he supposed to treat her? She was just like a piece of glass, so delicate and so easily hurt.

"Hyung? Are you planning to stand here all night and day dream?"

He shook his head as his little train of thought came to an end. He cleared his throat, avoiding all eye contacts with everybody in the room as he headed for his room.

"If you bastards are that nosy then watch the episode yourself"

He leant against the door of his room, his eyes shut closed as he let out a loud sigh. He would rather not answer that particular question; he didn't even want to know his answer himself.


Day 50, 11:30 pm

"Eh? That doesn't sound right...."

As much as Yonghwa didn't want to admit it, his new favorite activity was being able to teach her how to play guitar. His favorite part was being able to hear her say she practiced and the reason was just simply because of him, because she promised him. Seohyun would sit down with him the next meeting, guitar in her lap as she played the court with some difficulty but somehow managed sound perfect to him.

"You're doing it wrong, you put your pinky....right here"

He slowly guided her small finger to the right string as she stared at him in fascination. Yonghwa didn't want to turn around, he couldn't turn around and let her mesmerized him once again. His heart might burst right then and there if their eyes met, so he wouldn't face her, at least not right then when he was so damn confused about where they were heading.


Seohyun called him ever so softly and he couldn't resist the urge to look into her big dark brown eyes, getting lost in it almost immediately. What the hell was he doing? He wasn't sure, his mind was lost and his brain had turned mushy when he leant in closer and closer until their faces were just inches away. Seohyun should stop him, she needed to stop him before he let himself commit a sinful crime he was about to do. They were so close, she was so close that he could hear their heart beat pounding in a rhythm, could almost taste her li.....

"Hyung....oh....talking about bad timing......"

He could see her burning cheeks in the corner of his eyes as he cleared his throat and shifted his chair far, far away from her.

"I-I wi-will see you soon Yong and you too, JongHyung-shii"

The two boys watched as she packed her guitar and grabbed her bag, refusing any help from him and Jonghyung. Seohyun quickly left the room before he could even say a word of farewell, he let out a loud sigh as the door slammed close.

"Sorry about that hyung, I didn't see"

Yonghwa didn't know whether he was glad that Jonghyung came in time to stop him or he wanted to go on and kiss Seo Joo Hyun right then and there.


Day 100, 11:30 pm

"Won’t your unnis hunt us down, considering that you're way past your curfew?"

Yonghwa smiled contently at Seohyun who has her head on his lap, flipping through her book with a rather amused expression on her face.
"I told them that you will be giving me, once again another guitar lesson"
He chuckled lightly as he played with her brown curls. He has learned after they 'marry' that she can be quite the sneaky one sometime, he didn't mind actually but more of enjoying this particular side of her. They would often go out to eat at some random stall that sells healthy stuff or he would just take her back to his dorm and they would just sit there and talk through the night about their days or she would often goes on about how unhealthy the thing in his hands was.
"You enjoying the self help book, I recommended you?"
She nodded adorably as she sat up and placed the book down on the couch softly. Sometime Seohyun surprised him, she would do the most unexpected thing but hey, he wasn't complaining.
"It's quite entertaining, not what I expected"
She whispered as looped her arms around his neck before placing a soft kiss on his right cheek, making his cheeks burned seconds later.
"I have to go now but......call me though, Yong~"
Yonghwa watched dumb founded as she placed the book in her designer hand bag and left the dorm quietly.

The self help book must have been exceptional to be able to convince Seohyun to do such thing.


Day 150 , 11:30 pm


She shook him lightly, trying to wake him up. He blinked a couple of time before a fallen angel appeared I'm front of him and a love sick's smile was plastered on his face again.

"I'm sorry that I'm so late, our schedule is really hectic now days but I can make up for it with this"

Seohyun pouted cutely as she placed the neatly wrapped packed lunch on the overbed table. He watched silently as she slowly opened the box and mouth watering scents soon filled the room. Yonghwa smiled widely as he ruffled her hair adoringly and she just whined in response, he couldn't get any luckier than this could he?

"Do I need to feed you?"


Seohyun was obviously being sarcastic but giving it a shot won’t hurt anyone right? She stared at him with wide eyes for a long second before letting out a loud sigh and quickly pulled out a pair of chopsticks in her bag.

"Okay then say.....ah~"

He wanted to rolled on the ground and start laughing until his stomach hurt but he thought she wouldn't be too happy about it so he zipped up his mouth and say 'ah~' for her nicely.

"There you go"

She smiled satisfied as she stuffed a spoon full of rice and kimchi into his mouth. She burst laughing loudly as she watched him choking, desperately seeking for a glass of water.

"Satisfied, husband?"

They were always like this, fooling around, teasing each other frequently but Yonghwa was afraid of what would happen after the recording finally comes to an end. He wanted to believe the lies, he really wanted to believe the lies they were telling to themselves but he couldn't help but wonder in his sleep about what they were doing to each other.


Day 225 , 11:30 pm

"You don't care, do you?"


"I should have known better but to fall for you, ”

With that the door of his bedroom slammed closed and she was gone. She will eventually forgive him, right? She will surely be back in his arms, right? All kinds of questions flooded through his head as he sat on his bed, staring at the Polaroid picture of them, the only thing she has left behind.
Seo Joo-Hyun took everything and it has took him this long but his heart was also gone.


Day 300, 11:30 pm

Jung YongHwa couldn't quite put himself to sleep and it was killing him slowly, almost painfully.

It didn't help much when he turned his head to the other side of the room and she was lying there on the comfy looking bed and he couldn't help but be mesmerized by her beauty. Again, it never really did surprise him. She always looked breath taking and maybe she was really an angel like countless of people had told him, a fallen angel indeed.

He groaned loudly, rolling over so that he could no longer see her. Maybe it would help his idiotic sickness if she was out of sight, just maybe but every time she leaves, even if it was just a short period of time. He misses her, he doesn't say and she doesn't know but he could barely wait to hear her cheerful voice calling 'Yong~' out softly.



“What are we exactly?”

And it started from there, he couldn’t say those three words she wished to hear. It ended with tears and pain as she left his dorm without another word. If he says it then starting that moment they becomes more than just a ‘fake couple’ they become real, they will become like one of those couples holding hand on the street and there was no other word to described how he felt but fear. Seohyun was scared to love, she was scared of the idea of having a lover and he feared that once they’re over, she would be broken, he would be broken.


His eyes flew opened as she called his name so softly. His heart started to race like the first time she appeared in his life, he can’t seem to breath, his palms started to sweat and to his disappointment, he slowly realized that she was indeed sleep talking.

“Fine you win Seo, I love you…I love you more than I can put it into words, are you happy now?"

It was 11:30 at night and YongHwa didn't think SeoHyun would mind if she wakes up tomorrow to find him, sleeping next to her with
his arms securely wrapped around her tiny waist.

After all she asked for it, didn't she?


A/N: This is for the 'Happy 300th Day: Fic exchange celebration' at gogumafics, I took the '11:30 pm' one. I know this is not my best work (I didn't quite liket his actually) but I really want to do something for YongSeo's 300th day. I hope this wasn't too bad - -"


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