Yeah, yeah, US politics, already. I cannot wait for the election to be over. ::twitches::
People who can't handle the stress are invited, nay, encouraged to cheer yourselves up with a visit to
lalala2012, brilliantly revived by
nestra. Post links or fic or something fun!
In other news,
this site provides a list of GOP-sponsored job-related legislation since 2010. Yeah.
A long Salon piece on
the conservative right's plans to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Pro Publica has
a comparison of the two new TSA scanners, the millimeter wave and the X-ray backscatter. Huh, I hadn't realized that I'd been mostly going through the millimeter wave one on my last few flights...
I've been reading Aaron Bady for the last year or so:
here he is at Dissent with Mike Konczal, on the slow death of public higher education in California. The Slacktivist is compiling
a list of Christian LBGTQ bloggers. John Scalzi
writes a fan letter to those politicians who oppose abortion even in the case of rape or incest. Note: this is black satire, and possibly triggering, but worth reading.
This is a well-written article about a homeless apartment broker in Manhattan. BoingBoing has a photo of a
terrifying jack-o-lantern. Huh,
this study about women and pull-ups is interesting, although the commenters sensibly point out that the pull-up is a learned skill, and the women in the study didn't actually practice doing pull-ups. (There's also some troglodytes claiming that cavemen hunted mammoths and that's why women find pull-ups harder. WTF.)
Nick Mamatas fisks a New Yorker article denigrating genre fiction. Which is mildly surprising, if you read Nick very often (he's quite contrarian about the sacred cows of geekdom), but he's not so much defending genre fiction as he is pointing out what a lousy argument Arthur Krystal has made.
The Atlantic has a rundown on
the bravest thinkers of the year. Nice to see so many women of color on the list. And yet, as I look at it, only 7 of the 21 entries are women, which isn't even close to parity. Sigh.
Roger Ebert says Cloud Atlas is daring and visionary, "a demonstration of the magical, dreamlike qualities of the cinema". Hmm. Still not sure I want to see it.
Io9 has
a huge post about The Hobbit and the backstage business of creating the Dwarf characters, including makeup, wardrobe, and backstory. Cool stuff, including fun little sketches (since the visitors weren't allowed to take photos).
Xeni at BoingBoing went to
a Chihuly exhibition and took a bunch of photographs. They came out much nicer than the pictures I took on my phone of the Chihuly show at the DeYoung several years ago!
Bravo! Rebecca Tushnet
reports that fan vidders got their DMCA exemption for clipping again. Good job, all!
This one went around the other day, but in case you missed it:
an orphaned echidna puggle (which I guess means infant in echidna).
Crossposted from
DW, where there are
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