Author: Cobalt Mystic
Title: World of Words IV: Line of Sight
Pairing: Spike (sorta, more William)/Xander- implied/pre-slash
Rating: G with that pesky PG warning for boy playing
Feedback: Mys has decided that she actually likes FB, so… constructive crit is fine, just be prepared for Mys to defend/explain her choices, and try not to do any permanent damage, k.
Disclaimer: Just playing with the pretty kittens. Unfortunately, they are not mine, but I will gladly groom and bathe them before sending them back home to Daddy (aka Joss/Mutant Enemy/et al).
Warnings/Squicks: Hey we’re back to being hard to follow and abstract!
Summary: When your eyes don’t deceive you.
AN: Okay, ya know how Mys said there’d be at least one more, well she’s since discovered that there will be at least 5 in total, so 1 more definitely.
AN2: This takes place during BtVS S7, somewhere around Same Time, Same Place, and is a companion piece to
On the outskirts of his vision stood an angel. An ethereal, wingless angel that his meagre earthly words had tried, so long ago, to capture. It was no matter that those words were written for a dream, a vision, it had been the closest he‘d come to love in his living lifetime.
Now fear, bone deep and primal, enveloped him. Fear of the reason his angel was here- to taunt and torment him like all the others, ghosts of his past. And his angel, whose warmth and acceptance he had girded and cherished for over a century, was here to recant, to see the monstrous thing he had become and take away his one pure treasure. He felt his insides being ripped apart, knowing that losing his angel was no less than he deserved.
He waited for the words that would end him. Words that would expose the hate and disgust at what he was, what he had become. Whatever his angel said he would hold those words as close to him as he had his own.
Yet once his angel had spoken, his words meant nothing. The words he held onto were no longer his, but the simple caring words of an angel saying, “I’m here, William. Your Alexander is here.”