monday monday

Nov 19, 2007 17:47

linkety:speaking of otw, which i was recently by post count if not by day count, i am just about fed up with my old laptop. it's been getting on my nerves for a while, but the added stress of trying to run a fancy development environment (heftier than what most of the otw volunteer coders would want, i hasten to add, since what i really want to do is get some database diagramming and tuning in there) was pushing me over the edge. i have a work discount from dell and have been spending far too much time this afternoon playing with researching options on the dell website. (it looks like getting a laptop instead of a desktop would cost a couple of hundred dollars more and a couple of hundred hard drive gigs less. should i do it?)

there was totally a thing #3 in my head when i started this post. oh well.

a few of my favorite things, in ur organization transformin ur works

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