You can't even touch the irony...

Feb 27, 2008 10:06

This is incredible. I spend the four years of my undergraduate existence in southern California, basically the world mecca for earthquake activity. Hit me again San Andreas fault. Come on. And nothing. No earthquakes. No shaking buildings. Nada. I would almost argue that I was deprived of a true So-Cal experience while I was there.
And then what happens?
I move to England.
Relatively low on the earthquake-danger zone I feel.
And what happens?
Worst earthquake in 25 years.
Yup, that's right folks. I lived through the English Earthquake of 2008.
I still have trouble believing that I am actually writing those words.
As if we need further proof the world is obviously going crazy.
There was that moment of: I'm sorry, is that the floor shaking?!?!
And then the next moment: But I'm in England!!
They do floods here.
Gray skies.
An occasional wind burst.
Not earthquakes.

Crazy. Just plain crazy.
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