Dec 06, 2004 21:55
So Joy came over today, and as I was walking her outside, I noticed that it was bright, and warm, and I remember being annoyed at the weather. It didn't fit my mood. So as I sat in front of my computer screen, in a moment of frustration, I actually prayed "God, for me, could you make it just POUR rain? PLEASE?!" Then I went back to what I was doing. Some time later, the phone rings. It's from Cintya. As we are talking, she starts complaining about the cold. I said, "Oh, is it cold outside?" and she says, "YAH! It's raining!!" I was like, "Say WHAT?!?!" When my dad gets home, he goes, "Yeah, so a big storm is supposed to be rolling in tonight, looks like it's gonna really pour..." Don't ever doubt that God answers prayers.
I have decided I am ready for some difficult, but positive changes to be made in my life. I am tired of the way things are. I am determined to make school more of a priority, and to work on my weight, and my self image. I need to change the way I deal with life. I need to move on from some things, and return to others. I need to clean my room.
Last weekend, I went to a dinner in honor of a man named Moffat Zimba, who is the founder of the third university in the entire country of Zambia. What an inspiring person! He talked about life in Zambia, and his vision for the university, and the Zambian people as a whole. One of things he shared really touched me. He shared that in Zambia, when someone asks "How was your day?" they don't answer "Fine," or "Bad," like we might. Instead, they answer, "It was a 0-0-0," or "It was a 0-0-1", "a 0-1-0", etc. A 1 stands for a meal. A 0 stands for no meal at all. Starvation and hunger are so common there, the basic conversation system of Zambia is based on an assumption that a person is lucky if they get to eat. The contrast between our two cultures, our quality of life, is...astounding. He mentioned that in one box of donated books they recieved was an American book on dieting. The university students didn't know what to make of it.