Productivity is SO overrated

Sep 08, 2013 23:11

I've decided to embrace my (not so) inner lazy sod. In other words, I'm bored and not doing anything even marginally useful. So why not pick some questions to ask me? *sparkles*

Questions! )

meme, champion procrastinator, something completely different, slacker is me

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Comments 12

becc_j September 9 2013, 05:40:43 UTC
I'll play :) 55 and 16!


cleflink September 9 2013, 06:37:31 UTC
Thank you for playing. ^_^ Apparently my side of the globe is sleeping.

16) Do you have a collection of anything?

Do books count? *grins* I'm not actively collecting anything right now, but I used to collect porcelain dolls; I think I've got about twenty or so. Only problem is that the display case I have isn't big enough, so I have to rotate them out. :) Oh, and I also have a bookmark collection (in case I ever need to read a million books at the same time, naturally).

55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?

Geez, I should have read this list more thoroughly; some of these questions are hard. I'm sure two days from now I'll think of something else, but right here right now, I'd say a half-hour somewhere during the reception for my aunt's wedding seven years ago. My mum's family all lives overseas, so we don't get to see them very often, and family is a very important thing to me. A wedding is a great excuse ( ... )


petite_madame September 9 2013, 06:21:16 UTC
I'll play too ^^ 29) and 9)


cleflink September 9 2013, 06:57:32 UTC
Hooray for the non-American contingent! *laughs*

9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?

Probably has to be Queen. I mean, half of their stuff is kind of terrible, but the stuff that's good is amazingly good. I think that Freddie Mercury is one of the best (if not the best) front man of all time and the band had such an impact on music, both in its own time and to this day. It's really hard to choose just one band, though!

Now I'm curious; how about your favourite band?

29) Do you have any obsessions right now?Martin Freeman. Yes, I'm aware that that makes me kind of a sad person, but I have a tendency to get super excited about actors whom I think are really talented and then I need to watch all their stuff and see all their interviews and etc. And I think Martin's a ridiculously talented actor. Also, adorable. He seems like a genuinely nice, down-to-Earth sort of guy, too, which I really appreciate. Relatedly, I went through a similar period of obsession over Jensen Ackles and his pretty, pretty face. ^_ ( ... )


petite_madame September 18 2013, 10:44:03 UTC
I'm SO sorry about the late reply, I have been behind when it comes to replying to my LJ comments and messages in the past week ><
Queen is really a great band. Mercury vocal range was amazing and they didn't fear to experiment new things.
I can understand your Martin Freeman obsession xD S3 of Sherlock will start at the end of November, I can't wait!

Now I'm curious; how about your favourite band?

My favorite band...It's a tie between The Smiths and Guns and Roses. I've been a fan of the Smiths since 89 and of GNR since 88. I seem SO old when I say that ^^ It's like you and Queen: I don't like everything but there are some amazing songs <3


cleflink September 22 2013, 18:24:07 UTC
I have been behind when it comes to replying to my LJ comments and messages in the past week

Girl, you know how bad I am about that. You got nothing to worry about. *winks*

Oh, GNR has some amazing music. I love Axl Rose's voice (and, somehow, his look, which I don't think anyone else in the world could pull off). And you can never go wrong with Slash on guitar. I don't know a whole lot of music by The Smiths, but I've definitely heard good things about them. ^_^

Somewhat off topic, I love that we're talking about the best of classic rock and my only music-related icon is a violin. *laughs* Not quite the same.


blackrabbit42 September 9 2013, 10:31:57 UTC
19 and 43.



cleflink September 9 2013, 14:56:46 UTC
:) !

19) What's your biggest "what if"?

It sounds kind of lame, but my biggest 'what if' is probably 'what if I never meet somebody with whom I want to spend my life (or at least part of it)?'. I've never really dated, through a combination of a very busy school life and personal neuroses, and it doesn't really bother me, per se, but I'm at a point where most of my friends are married and my siblings are moving on to their own things and I'm just kind of... here. And it makes me wonder if I'm just going to be 'here' forever, which seems like an awfully lonely thing.

My contigency plan is to become a crazy cat lady, however, which I'm sure I'll be very good at. It does become less funny as it becomes more plausible, though. *wry*

43) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?

Let It Be by The Beatles. I think that it's a beautiful piece of music and, while the lyrics are sort of ambiguously hopeful, there's something about them that makes me smile. This is also one of the few songs that not infrequently gives me ( ... )


synapticshiver September 11 2013, 02:32:49 UTC
May I play? I'm a lurker but a fan of your writing! How about #43 and #18?


cleflink September 11 2013, 03:36:46 UTC
You may certainly play! Always lovely to meet someone new! ^_^

18) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?

I absolutely hate the sound of lip-smacking, especially when the person is sleeping. I dunno why, but it always makes me want to cringe. Maybe because it's such a wet sound? I have no idea.

I love the sound of moving water. Rain (gentle or torrential), flowing rivers, waves against the shore, you name it. Probably I would like it less if I lived in monsoon areas, but I could listen to rain falling on my roof forever. A few years ago I spent a couple of days on the Greek island, Mykonos, and my hotel was right on the seashore. I could hear the waves crashing all day and night and it was unimaginably peaceful.

43) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?

I actually did this one above! I can give you another song though, because I really love music ( ... )


synapticshiver September 15 2013, 05:32:35 UTC
Thanks for your lovely responses! And I'm sorry I didn't see your previous answer to #43! I AM BLIND. ::goes puts on glasses:: I love "Let It Be," and I've discovered some amazing songs via J2 vids ( ... )


cleflink September 17 2013, 02:24:36 UTC
The lip smacking thing started bugging me recently and I don't know why. But it's one of those things that, once you've heard it, you can't un-hear it. I also share a room with someone who does that when sleeping and it drives me insane when I'm trying to fall asleep.

Warning beeps are terrible, no matter what they're for. My smoke alarm has a pop-out thing for the batteries so, if you hit it, the batteries lift out and it turns the smoke alarm off. Only problem is, I often forget to turn it back on!

You are more than welcome! Thank you for playing with me! ^_^


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