Productivity is SO overrated

Sep 08, 2013 23:11

I've decided to embrace my (not so) inner lazy sod. In other words, I'm bored and not doing anything even marginally useful. So why not pick some questions to ask me? *sparkles*

Questions! )

meme, champion procrastinator, something completely different, slacker is me

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cleflink September 9 2013, 14:56:46 UTC
:) !

19) What's your biggest "what if"?

It sounds kind of lame, but my biggest 'what if' is probably 'what if I never meet somebody with whom I want to spend my life (or at least part of it)?'. I've never really dated, through a combination of a very busy school life and personal neuroses, and it doesn't really bother me, per se, but I'm at a point where most of my friends are married and my siblings are moving on to their own things and I'm just kind of... here. And it makes me wonder if I'm just going to be 'here' forever, which seems like an awfully lonely thing.

My contigency plan is to become a crazy cat lady, however, which I'm sure I'll be very good at. It does become less funny as it becomes more plausible, though. *wry*

43) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?

Let It Be by The Beatles. I think that it's a beautiful piece of music and, while the lyrics are sort of ambiguously hopeful, there's something about them that makes me smile. This is also one of the few songs that not infrequently gives me ( ... )


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