Productivity is SO overrated

Sep 08, 2013 23:11

I've decided to embrace my (not so) inner lazy sod. In other words, I'm bored and not doing anything even marginally useful. So why not pick some questions to ask me? *sparkles*

Questions! )

meme, champion procrastinator, something completely different, slacker is me

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synapticshiver September 15 2013, 05:32:35 UTC
Thanks for your lovely responses! And I'm sorry I didn't see your previous answer to #43! I AM BLIND. ::goes puts on glasses:: I love "Let It Be," and I've discovered some amazing songs via J2 vids.

I, too, love the sound of water. One of my favorite vacations ever was at a hot springs resort in Japan which was right next to the sea, which I've never experienced before. The sound of the waves, right below my window, was such a refreshing change from... car alarms, police sirens, and neighbors banging their doors, etc., which is what I usually hear at nighttime when I'm drifting off to sleep.

Lip smacking is an interesting answer.... I've never paid much attention to that sound before, although I suspect I'll pay more attention now, lol. Mine would be the warning beeps that smoke alarms make when they're about to run out of batteries. They're just so grating and persistent! Especially when I've got no spare batteries at home, and I can't run out to buy any at that moment. It makes me want to chuck the whole thing out the window.

Thanks again for letting me play! =D


cleflink September 17 2013, 02:24:36 UTC
The lip smacking thing started bugging me recently and I don't know why. But it's one of those things that, once you've heard it, you can't un-hear it. I also share a room with someone who does that when sleeping and it drives me insane when I'm trying to fall asleep.

Warning beeps are terrible, no matter what they're for. My smoke alarm has a pop-out thing for the batteries so, if you hit it, the batteries lift out and it turns the smoke alarm off. Only problem is, I often forget to turn it back on!

You are more than welcome! Thank you for playing with me! ^_^


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