For the first time in a long time, I started this year with a new years resolution: Don't let new people fade away by my lack of action. There are people I've met up with in this town that faded in the background. Mostly due to my busy work schedule which got out of hand. Though the work hasn't changed much beside being worse, I've been trying to
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Finishing out the rest of the weekend, I did two more outings to downtown San Francisco.
Friday: Going from LJ post on sfgoth, I went to a EBM/Industrial night on my own. The event was called Neurosix and held at a place called Julie's Supper Club. Not a big crowd in attendance and I couldn't strike a conversation with everyone. Seemed too clicky with
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I will be at Our House on Comm Ave at 7pm with people. You're welcome to join me as this will be the last public Boston appearance I'll have till the 29th.
Last night I had a great time with some new and old friends. esotericme called me at 11pm asking if I'd be up for going to the People's Republic. Obviously I said yes. Good times were had by all and the night was capped with IHOP goodness. It was great to have a nice solid breakfast
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Last night was a really fun time with a bunch of people! The night started with a Mexican dinner and ice cream with esotericme. Later it was some Katamri at her place and then drinking with [initially] mshappie at the BU Pub
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By the way, anyone want to be my date for come along to the Emerson College Holiday Party? It's a week from today (Dec 14th) from 5:30 - 8:30p at the Hyatt Regency. You don't need to be affiliated with Emerson at all, but I need to know by the end of the day. First come-first served.
I want to go to Scary Monkey tonight, but this is going to be a stressful week, even with Florida. Especially Florida. So I want to get sleep while I can.
However, it would be nice to have a dinner tomorrow with any one of you lovely people. Any takers?