Finishing out the rest of the weekend, I did two more outings to downtown San Francisco.
Going from
LJ post on
sfgoth, I went to a EBM/Industrial night on my own. The event was called
Neurosix and held at a place called
Julie's Supper Club. Not a big crowd in attendance and I couldn't strike a conversation with everyone. Seemed too clicky with an in-crowd. Don't regret going if only for finding out that it was a flop than to be left wondering. I'm not discounting the scene in general from that one night, but I don't know where else to go.
Much better. I've been talking to *Mar*
margotelyse via IM. Found her via
OKCupid and spent a few days chatting. About to finish up her degree at as an animator this year. She invited me out to a place called
Edinburg Castle Pub. Hopped in the car and drove out to the city at about 11pm.
This is the first friend I've made that wasn't through prior association, so I was likely too friendly and generally flirty than I should be. Not trying to score with her, but to finally talk to a single person in the area is shocking. No offense to all the people I know here, but I was starting to think that no one in the Bay area is single above the age of 21. Apparently (as *Mar*
margotelyse told me), this is true in the Bay area, but not in downtown. Most of the people downtown sleep with about 40% of the population, but certainly single. So I need to hang out more in the city
. A few of her friends showed up from time to time. Good to be introduced to cool new peoples!
That night certainly made up for Friday night! I hope to see them all again soon, and I also hope to find more excuses to make it into the city. I'm pretty much convinced that with a few exceptions, I'm going to have to get out of Marin county if I want to be more social. It's fine by me; It's cheaper for me to live close to work and travel out on weekends than the other way around.