The Girl of Your Dreams

Jun 04, 2006 22:08

I had a dream about the most amazing girl. Though I retain very little of what she looked like. Just that she had long brown hair, her face glowed, and she was wearing a beautiful laced gown.

I remember having a deep fondness and taste for her, more than I've for anyone in years. I remember really wanting to be with her. I knew it was a dream, one of the rare times, and I told her so, and I held her close and told her I was taking her back with me: to the real world.

I tried. I remember waking up, and having that feeling of still being apart of that other world. I looked to see if she was there, but she wasn't.

It's been forever since I've had a dream where I wanted something so badly, and knew it was a dream and tried to reel it into the real world with me when I woke up. The strange thing about this is that I'm not longingly searching for any relationship right now, so I'm not sure what this dream meant.

The last time I had a dream where I felt this way, I was about eight years old. I wanted this Superman toy I was playing with in the dream so badly. I was so disappointed when I woke up. This time is different though.

I feel like, that girl was pulled into the real world, and she's somewhere. I just have to meet her now. And one day when I meet her, I'll tell her this story.

The thought of that makes me smile.
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