
May 06, 2008 00:32

Ok, must go to sleep soon, but tying some stuff up.  Decided with definity my goal currently is to create something good before my birthday (on the 22nd of this month)  We'll see if i can do it.  I know a lot of my stuff is hit or (usually) miss.  And the last poems i wrote that i felt really strongly about were some time ago  (thanks a lot distractions!!!)  you know what I mean.  Anyhow, most of what i'm getting so far is random crap.  Some business/artistic ideas.  I had one idea for a merging of words and painting that I might give a shot, but I'm not going to talk about it til I've developed the idea a little further.

Some random snippets from shit I was thinking tonight,
(and posturing for a possible idea)

"I had all this angsty poetry inside me and it flowed from me like water from a well"
-about my past.  =P

I felt a connection to this life.  I was sad that it should end.  Instead of being obsessed with knowing what IT is.  Cool but sad.  Kinda nice, though.  While I've lost the confidence in my concept of eternity, knowing that eternity is not me, just that which resides in me.  Which I am the filter for.  To be discarded at the end of this life
--weird, just some thoughts that connected to something that is going much deeper but hard to really expand on too much right now.

I sometimes misidentify emotions.
This one, in particular.
It reminds me of sadness, so I call it that,
although I know it is not.

Mississipi... flows,
from the north,
cutting,  yet connecting
all the same.
Traverse across, a short change.
North to South, a journey of greater matter.
.. left to right, a divider between things which should be close.
North to South, a connector, a combiner, of things far apart.

Google 'what the fuck.'
... No really, google it, man!!
^just one person speaking to another, wanting the other to google "what the fuck"

Something profound.  Something to think about.. in the shower
-- idea i had for educationally themed shower curtains

A lot of guys don't like it.  It's kinda like listening to a woman talk about her period.  Set to music.
--humorous thought regarding many male reactions to ani difranco's music. (or any other feminist-ish musician)

Resounding clarity is a great feeling.

Random enough, is it?
Not nearly as thought out as my last post, but I thought I'd share.  It's working in process.  Some will make it, some will not!  (mostly, not)  but maybe eventually....

Be back soon.
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