FIC: Honeymoon - 1/1, R, Karl Urban/Josh Hartnett

Aug 28, 2011 17:22

Title: Honeymoon
Authors: Brenda & Jo (azewewish & idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Pairing: Karl Urban/Josh Hartnett
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And while Shrewesbury is a real town, we doubt Karl and Josh ever went there together.
Summary: Karl and Josh finally get to take their long-delayed honeymoon, and Josh learns more about Karl's past.
Notes: Takes place a week or so after Questions.

Shrewsbury, England

Rain pattered gently on the window as Josh shoved the drapes open to have a look at the grey clouds and muddy grass. Then he glanced over his shoulder at the bed and grinned. "It's raining again."

"Welcome to Britain," Karl replied, with a laugh. He was sprawled against a mound of pillows, naked and relaxed, and Josh took a moment to appreciate the view. He thought could live another century and not get tired of seeing Karl like that. He'd definitely hit the jackpot.

He looked back out the window. Neither the clouds nor the rain had moved on. "Next time," he observed, "I say we go somewhere tropical. Grand Cayman or Fiji, somewhere like that."

"You're planning on us having another honeymoon?" Karl asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Smartass. I meant vacation."

"One would think the rain would be a pleasant diversion after sunny L.A."

"Some rain, yes, but three days straight of it, not so much," Josh replied, and finally returned to the bed to flop down beside Karl. "Don't get me wrong, I love staying here and having creative sex as much as the next guy, but I'm starting to get a little stir crazy. Maybe we could head down to your cousin's pub tonight for a few pints?"

"Planning on getting me drunk and taking advantage?" Karl asked with a lascivious wink.

Josh just rolled his eyes. "Like I need to get you drunk to do that."

"True, I do seem to be fairly easy where you're concerned," Karl said, rolling to pin Josh to the mattress. "I blame Harry."

"I'm pretty sure you were like this even before Harry." Josh wiggled a little, looked up into dark eyes. "Thank you."


"All of this," Josh said, tracing Karl's jaw with his fingertips. "Everything."

The look in Karl's eyes softened as their bond pulsed with love and gratitude. "No need to thank me when you're the one that's been so patient."

Josh lifted a shoulder in a half-shrug. "I told you from the beginning that I understood. And the wait was worth it."

"Even with the rain?"

Josh shoved half-heartedly at Karl's arm. "Yes, even with the rain. I've enjoyed meeting your family. Although it's still tripping me out that you have so many, uh, I guess they're cousins, right, hanging around still. It's just weird to think about."

Karl laughed. "Wait until you start meeting Harry's descendants."

"Right, the grandkids." Seriously, grandkids - well, great, great, great, ad infinitum. Trippy as hell to imagine. "How many are there?"

"I lost count years ago," Karl admitted, rolling to his side and propping up on one elbow. "Harry could tell you the exact number, if you really wanted to know."

"No, that's okay," Josh quickly said. "I'm sure there are dozens and dozens of them."

"More than a few." Karl traced Josh's cheek with a finger. "Now, what do you think about maybe getting out of here in a little bit? I still haven't finished showing you around."

Josh leaned up to nuzzle at Karl's neck. "Mmm, I like the way you think."

"Although I'm assuming you have something else in mind now?" Karl asked, his voice husky as he ran a possessive hand along Josh's back. Josh shivered in anticipation. One day, he wouldn't react like this to Karl's touch, but he hoped that day would be very far off.

"Maybe..." he breathed, as he ran his hands up Karl's back.

"I knew you were a man after my own heart," Karl declared, then lowered his head for a heart-stopping kiss. Josh certainly wasn't going to complain about it, not when he had far better things to be doing. It wasn't like the scenery was going anywhere.


By the time they made it out of bed and out of the house -- Karl called it a manor, and Josh couldn't say he disagreed, as big as the place was (he was still discovering rooms, even after a week) -- the rain had trickled to a slow drizzle. In fact, the skies even seemed to be clearing up, although Josh would believe that the rain had actually gone when he saw it -- or rather, when he didn't. He and Karl had both changed into jeans and work boots and pulled on parkas in deference to the weather, but Josh mostly thought it was so Karl wouldn't get mud all over him.

"You know, I have a hard time picturing you holed up in a tent somewhere without access to a shower," he commented, following Karl down a small dirt path just beyond the stables. (And, really, boggled Josh's mind sometimes just how differently Karl lived than anyone else he'd ever met.)

"I was a soldier for quite a long time," Karl replied with an amused look. His hair was already plastered to his scalp. "I'm not saying I enjoyed the filth, but it was a necessary part of my life back then."

"Yeah, but I bet you don't even go camping now," Josh pointed out. He took a deep breath of damp, clean air, relishing how nice it was to inhale without tasting smog. There were definitely advantages to country living.

"No, camping is Harry's thing, not mine," Karl said. He reached back to pull Josh up beside him as the path widened out.

"Not surprised," Josh muttered, then grinned when Karl cast him a sidelong glance. "So where are we going?"

"Just a bit of exploring before dinner."

Great, so they were traipsing about with no real destination. "You do realize it's still raining, right?"

"Don't worry, you won't melt."

"The comedian speaks."

Karl kissed the back of Josh's hand. "It amuses me that you hate rain so much when you love surfing."

"Surfing's different," Josh shrugged. "Plus, I'm in a wetsuit."

"You'll be fine," Karl assured him. "And this is nothing compared to some of the storms I've seen...ah, here we are. Have a look."

Josh stopped and stared down the sloping hill to the green valley spread out before them. "Um, it's beautiful. What is it?"

Karl pointed to a small copse of trees at the base of the valley. "That used to be the outer ring of the castle, where the smithy and stables were. The castle itself was there," he said, gesturing at the clearing on the other side of the trees.

Josh dropped Karl's hand and turned to gape at him. "Wait, you mean the castle in L.A.? It used to be here?"

"I did tell you that Harry moved it."


"Orlando had the same reaction," Karl said, shaking his head. "Why don't you people ever believe me?"

"I thought you meant parts of it, like, I dunno, a wall or some stones or furniture... He moved the whole freakin' thing? How?"

"He hired an architect to map it out and an archeologist to tag each piece and a construction crew to disassemble and reassemble it." Josh snorted. Only Karl could make moving an entire castle sound no more difficult than moving the contents of a one bedroom apartment across town. "The staff moved, too. In fact, most everyone that works there now is a descendant of someone who immigrated with the castle."


"Harry's very fond of keeping close to his roots. Tradition and family have always been important to him."

"They're important to me, too, but I wouldn't just up and move my childhood home 8,000 fucking miles," Josh stated, mind still boggling over both the sheer scope of moving an entire castle -- he couldn't stop repeating it in his head -- across an ocean, and what it must have cost to do it.

"You're not Harry," Karl chuckled. "You've seen how he is when it comes to certain matters."
He grabbed Josh's hand again. "And the boring truth is, the castle was always more Harry's than mine, even though it's my family's ancestral home. From the moment he stepped foot inside the walls, it was like he was finally where he belonged, like he was part of the very stones themselves. Joaquin used to joke that's why Harry had such a hard head."

"I believe it," Josh said, following as Karl tugged him forward and they started down the slope. They were silent for a few minutes, navigating the turns in the path as the floor of the valley came closer. Then Josh realized he'd never heard that name before, from either Karl or Harry. "So Joaquin's your...uncle? A cousin?" Obviously someone close if he'd been able to tease Harry like that, he thought.

He immediately knew something was wrong, because Karl instantly froze beside him and their bond slammed shut. "Karl?" He reached out a tentative hand, unsure what was going on, but not liking the shuttered look in Karl's eyes. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." The reply seemed forced, like Karl was trying to convince himself of it. But he still didn't move. "Joaq --" he stumbled over the name "-- he was...he was an old...he and Harry used to train together."

There was something -- a lot of somethings -- Karl wasn't saying, but Josh kept most of his concentration on getting Karl to relax. "Okay. We don't have to talk about him, it's fine," he said, as soothingly as he could. "I was just curious, it's fine, I promise."

Karl remained silent, eyes unfocused as he stared at something Josh couldn't see. Josh had never seen Karl this visibly upset, not even in the first few perilous hours after Orlando's unmaking, and frankly, Josh was starting to get more than a little freaked out. //Karl?//

The light mental touch seemed to shake Karl out of his trance. His gaze shifted, slowly focused on Josh, and Josh let out a shaky breath. "What?" Karl finally asked, voice rough and shaky.

"We don't have to talk about him," Josh repeated, resting a light hand on Karl's arm. "It's just I've never heard anyone mention that name, so I didn't know. I mean, y'know, if he was your uncle or an old friend or dead or something."

Karl's sharp bark of laughter was harsh, held nothing of humor in it. "He's definitely not dead. At least, as far as I know."

"Um, okay?" Josh ventured, still feeling like he was on very shaky ground. Something was definitely not right here. "I'm guessing vampire, then, if he knew you and Harry when you were both still living here."

"Yes." Karl seemed to visibly pull himself together then, and Josh could feel their bond open once again. There was still something subdued in it, like Karl was holding himself back, but anything was better than being shut out.

"I'm sorry, love, I..." Karl sighed. " you remember a couple of months ago when you asked me about suicidal vampires and how I knew what they were like?"

"Yeah?" Josh answered, having a sick feeling that he knew where this was going.

"Joaquin." He didn't need to elaborate.

"Ah." Josh had the absurd urge to make a joke or say something to lighten the mood, but he swallowed the words. Definitely not the time or place. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Karl said. "It's just...there are certain things that aren't discussed and --"

"This is one of them," Josh said, nodding. Right, he could understand that. Vampires had their own laws and rules, and even with his Aunt Kate as a mentor, Josh knew he wasn't even remotely close to knowing them all.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone," Karl said, and he didn't quite meet Josh's eyes. Which was more than a little disconcerting.

"Mum's the word," Josh told him, even as part of him wondered just what the big deal was and who this guy was to provoke such a reaction.

"I mean it. Not to Orlando, not to Dom...especially not Harry or Viggo." Karl squeezed Josh's hand. "This is serious."

"Noted. I won't tell anyone, I promise," Josh added, just in case Karl needed to hear it again.

Karl studied his face for a few long moments, then finally, it appeared he was satisfied with what he saw, because he leaned in to brush a light kiss to Josh's lips. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. But at least it stopped raining."

Josh hadn't even noticed. "That's a bonus." He smiled, trying to keep his thoughts calm even as they whirled with possibilities. Just the idea that Viggo and Harry had deserved an 'especially'... "You know," he said, trying to defuse the moment even more, "you can tell me anything, right?"

"I know."

"Anything," Josh repeated, and then changed the subject. It was definitely time to start talking about other things. "Now what else do you want to show me before dinner?"

Karl just nudged him back up the path. "You asked me once about my parents."

"I did." In fact, it had been the same conversation where they'd talked about suicidal vampires, but Josh knew better than to bring that up.

Karl led him up over the rise and pointed at a small white marble building about a hundred yards away. "That's where they and my uncle are buried."

"Buried?" Josh blinked. "Oh, um..."

"What?" Karl had started towards the...crypt? Mausoleum? Josh didn't quite know what to call it.

"I just, um, well..."

"Josh." Karl stopped, hand still curled snug around Josh's, and he tightened his fingers. "What is it?"

Josh gave him a sheepish look and rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess I thought that there weren't any, um, bodies left. After the death ritual."

"Well, I'm sure there's not much left of them now, but it's been close to 900 years."

"Uh, gross."

"Sorry," Karl grinned, completely unrepentant. "But why would you think there wouldn't be a body?"

"Um, I dunno, I thought maybe you guys disintegrated or something," Josh shrugged.

"So there are things about us your much-vaulted Aunt Kate hasn't taught you," Karl said, the teasing note clear in his voice. It was great to hear, even if it was at Josh's expense.

"I don't think she knew," Josh was quick to say, leaping at the chance to defend his aunt. He made a face when Karl laughed at him. "Seriously, I don't think she knows any vampires who've chosen to die."

"Fair enough," Karl said. "There aren't many who have chosen that path in the last few centuries." He gestured at the building. "Harry's parents are here, as well, and his sisters. Lauren and Colin, too."

"Oh." Josh didn't know what to say. He felt completely out of his depth.

"It's alright. You know I don't mind talking about Lauren," Karl said gently, rubbing soothing circles on Josh's back.

"No, I know, it's just..." Josh rested his hand on the outer wall, felt cool marble under his fingers. "I've never really thought about it. I mean, that you'd have burials and vaults and all that."

"We're vampires, we live with death every day," Karl reminded him. "Most of us were mortal once and have mortal families. Companions, pets, friends, even other vampires...we're not immune to loss, and the rituals of death."

"I suppose that you and Harry will end up here some day," Josh said softly, fingers tracing the smooth design carved into the door.

"Yes. Orlando will, too. His mother likes the idea of him coming home one day, even if it's far in the future," Karl smiled, then paused. "There's a place for you, as well, if you wish. As a pet, you know you're family."

"I...thought I'd always end up back in Minnesota with my parents and the rest of my family." Josh said, almost too stunned to speak. It suddenly hit him that he was going to outlive his parents and siblings by a very, very long time. "But this...I guess by then it won't make a difference, right?"

"Of course it makes a difference," Karl said, cupping Josh's cheek in his hand. "If you choose to be buried with your family, then that's where you'll go."

Josh was certain his smile was as wan as he felt. "I guess I just never really thought about outliving them. I mean, not my parents and grandparents so much, but my brother and sister, and their kids and even their's trippy thinking about it."

"It does take a certain amount of mental fortitude," Karl said. "But none of that will happen for a long time. And I'm here for you, every step of the way, whatever you need."

"I know." Josh leaned into Karl's hand, appreciating both the sentiment and the warmth he now felt in their bond. "I appreciate it...wait," he said, as something occurred to him. "Are you telling me that I'm going to have to spend my afterlife with Orlando, too?"

Karl burst out laughing, which told Josh that he'd managed to look properly horrified. "We'll be sure to put Orlando on the other side of Harry, and you on the other side of me."

"Whew." Josh mimed wiping his brow. "Now, where were we?"

"I was going to ask if you were ready for dinner yet, or if you had more questions."

"Why can't we do both?"

"You're right, most questions and answers are best served with a nice pint and some stew," Karl declared, and gave Josh a quick, soft kiss.

"I wonder if your cousin'll have some of that soda bread," Josh said, as he and Karl started trudging their way back up the path and towards the town.

"He should, it's an old family recipe."

"So, there are cooks in your family?" Josh teased.

"Of course," Karl replied, with a lift of his eyebrow. "I just happen to have other skills."

"Yes, I know. Making money and mind-blowing sex."

"That's hardly all of them," Karl laughed. "I was a military leader for a long time."

"Right, killing people. Can't believe I forgot those skills."


"You love my ass."

Karl made a point of leering at Josh's backside. "I've never denied it."

"Which, of course, leads to the mind-blowing sex," Josh said, slyly. "Or does that come from all the practice because you're so old?"

"Well, Harry never complained," Karl grinned.

"Yeah, but didn't you have 70 years on him before he was even born?"

"Not with men," Karl reminded him.

"'re trying to say you were a natural at cocksucking," Josh teased, pushing against Karl's shoulder companionably as the path widened again.

"If that's what you choose to call it," Karl replied, sounding so aristocratic and lord of the manor about it that Josh just laughed all over again.

"You must have been a holy terror growing up, man," he said, shaking his head. "I bet you drove your tutors crazy."

"You have no idea." Karl tipped his face up to the breeze and closed his eyes as he smiled. "I was absolutely insufferable. More than one tutor walked out."

"Didn't feel like you had to learn?"

"No, on the contrary," Karl replied, opening his eyes and giving Josh an amused look. "I simply knew more than they did."

"Of course you did," Josh replied, wondering why he'd even bothered to ask. Only Karl, man...

"Of course, then my mother hired Ian."

"Ian? Another tutor, I take it?"

"Of a sort. He was a Benedictine Monk who'd made several pilgrimages and, in addition to being absolutely brilliant, was also quite accomplished in a few of the Okinawan kobudō fighting styles. He made a pact with me early on that if I actually did what I was told, he'd teach me what he knew of bō, sai and surujin."

Josh had no idea what Karl was talking about, but if it kept him relaxed and thinking about something other than this Joaquin dude or death, then Josh was all for it. "So, he bribed you?"

Karl grinned. "It was a very effective bribe. It also helped that he was incredibly learned and could speak several languages. I've often wondered what he would think of the world today and all of the adventures he would have had if he'd taken the Gift. My mother wanted him to ask for it, but he never did."

"I don't think the idea of immortality is for everyone," Josh replied, thoughtfully. "I mean, especially to someone religious -- they already think they're going to live forever in the afterlife, so what would be the point in delaying that sort of gratification?"

"Now you sound like him. We used to have so many discussions about religion and faith," Karl chuckled, then his face turned slightly pensive. "I think he and Harry would have loved each other, but Ian died long before Harry was even born."

"I'm sure Harry would have thanked him if they'd ever met," Josh said. At Karl's curious look, he shrugged. "I get the feeling a large part of who you are is due to Ian."

"You're probably right," Karl admitted. "He was a very big influence on my early years."

"Probably a good thing he never asked for the Gift," Josh mused, trying to keep a straight face. "Can you just imagine how he would have reacted to Orlando?"

"Somehow, I don't think Orlando would have given Ian much trouble," Karl replied, clearly amused. "Orlando's cheeky, yes, but Ian had very effective methods of making certain people paid attention."

"What, so, he'd have put Orlando in a choke-hold or something?" Josh teased. "Because that I'd pay to see."

The space between Karl's brows crinkled in confusion. "I thought you and Orlando were getting along."

"We are. I love him like a brother, but that doesn't mean that I haven't fantasized about smothering him with a pillow once or twice over the last few months," Josh replied, with a careless shrug. "You know how difficult he's been."

"Imagine how much worse he'd have been without Katie to keep him in line."

Josh shuddered. "Perish the thought. Besides, I like Katie. And not just because she is easily one of the hottest women I've ever met."

"Most men say that about her," Karl grinned, and Josh found himself grinning back. "Then, of course, they find out how smart and tough she is."

"And it scares the crap out of them," Josh replied.

"The smart ones get over it quickly."

They topped the rise and Josh could see the manor house once more and the meticulously kept gardens beyond. "This area really is beautiful," he said, softly.

Karl snagged Josh's hand and gently squeezed. "I'm glad you think so."

"Do you ever think about moving back?"

"Sometimes," Karl admitted. "Harry and I have lived all over the world, but no place has ever quite called to me like this one."

"I feel that way about Minnesota," Josh confessed, shifting his hand so it slid more comfortably against Karl's. "I love L.A., don't get me wrong, but Minnesota is home, y'know?"

"It's good to have solid roots."

"Exactly," Josh beamed, then tugged on Karl's hand. "Now, come on. I'm starving, and you promised me stories of your nefarious childhood."

He was rewarded with one of Karl's heart-stopping smiles. "I suppose I did. But I'll warn you, telling them could take awhile."

"That's fine," Josh told him, and slipped an arm around Karl's waist to pull him close. "For you, I've got all the time in the world."


recovery, karl urban, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, claimed 'verse

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