FIC: "Questions" 1/1 (Harry Sinclair/Orlando Bloom)

Aug 22, 2011 10:26

Title: "Questions" 1/1
Authors: Brenda & Jo (azewewish & idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Featuring: Harry Sinclair, Orlando Bloom, Karl Urban, Josh Hartnett
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And we're pretty sure Harry's never had kids.
Summary: Orlando has a few questions (and surprises) for Harry when Harry gets home from his vacation. Takes place a month after Reunited and Slumming.

Orlando frowned as he stared at the door connecting the library to the living room, willing it to open. "Does anyone other than me think this is really unfair?"

"Unfair that you have to wait to see Harry or unfair that I have to wait to leave with Karl until the two of them're done reconnecting or whatever the hell it is they're doing?" Josh asked from his slouched position on the other end of the sofa.

Orlando snorted. "Mate, if you don't think they're having reunion sex right now..."

"No, I know they are," Josh shrugged, then grinned. "Which is, I'm guessing, what you think is unfair. That they're getting some and you're not."

"Monks have seen more action than me the last six months," Orlando grumbled, and kicked at Josh's foot.

"Maybe you can talk Harry into a nice, relaxing handjob since Karl won't be around to mother you to death."

"Y'think so?" Orlando perked up, shifting to pull his feet into the chair. Then he frowned and blew a loose strand of hair out of his face. "No, don't answer that. This is Harry we're talking about. He lives to ruin my fun."

Josh did a poor job of stifling his laugh. "You just now remembered that?"

"Wanker," Orlando muttered. He debated throwing a pillow at Josh and settled for stuffing it behind his head and glaring at the door again.

"At least he's not likely to strangle you in your sleep now," Josh pointed out.

Orlando huffed out a long breath, then nodded. "True. I am doing much better."

"I meant because he's had a month away from you and he was getting laid," Josh laughed.

Fuck it, Orlando thought, and threw the pillow at Josh's head with all his strength. It landed on Josh's shoulder with a muffled thump and bounced to the floor just as the door opened and Harry and Karl waltzed in, both of them looking very relaxed.

"Now, children, what did I say about behaving?" Karl admonished, with a small, fake sigh.

Harry just raised an eyebrow. "I leave for a month and you're already trying to kill each other."

Josh pointed at Orlando. "He started it."

"Oi, I did not!"

"Oh, wait, you're right, I did totally start it, my bad," Josh laughed, then stood and held out a hand to Harry. "Good to see you again. How was Italy?"

"Gorgeous," Harry replied, grasp firm as he shook Josh's hand. "Monica's looking forward to meeting you."

"And I her," Josh said. "Is she gracing us with her presence sometime soon?"

"She's got some business in L.A. in the next couple of months."

Orlando shot straight up, and stared at Harry. Then his gaze shifted to Karl. //You didn't tell me that she was coming to town.//

//You never asked.//

Orlando contemplated whether or not he could get away with inflicting some mild torture on Karl before he left. //Bastard.// "It'll be nice to finally meet her," he said out loud to Harry, as he took a deep breath and then very slowly pushed to his feet. "I'm glad you're home."

Orlando could feel their bond quietly pulsing with affection and admiration. Orlando could admit, if only to himself, that he'd missed Harry's presence in his head the past month. "I'm glad you're vertical," Harry observed.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet," Karl replied, then gave Orlando a soft look. "Go on, love, show him you haven't spent the past month sitting on your ass."

"More like I've been sweating my ass off," Orlando grumbled, giving Josh a grateful look when he stood and moved within reach.

For a long moment, Orlando just stood there. He felt a little shaky, but nothing like before. Then he looked up and smiled at Harry. "I promised I'd wait until you got home. And just so you know," he added, shifting his weight, "Katie and I have had more than one fight about this."

"Several spectacular fights," Karl said, stepping back as Orlando began to slowly shuffle forward, pausing slightly between each step to regain his balance. Josh moved beside Orlando, and Orlando made a mental note to buy Josh a really big bottle of that Irish whiskey he liked so much as thanks.

Josh grinned. "Remember the one fight where she pinned him to the bed and sat on him?"

"Vividly," Karl said, but Orlando could tell that most of his focus was on Orlando's progress across the room.

"I thought for sure that Dom was going to propose to her on the spot for that one."

"Dom and Katie always did love pushing each other into crazy antics," Harry said, and kept giving Orlando an encouraging, quiet smile. "Why were Katie and Orlando fighting?"

"Orlando kept trying to push himself and Katie wasn't having it," Karl shrugged. "The usual." Then he winked at Orlando. //You're doing wonderfully, little one.//

Orlando didn't dare acknowledge the praise, even though he was gratified by it. He knew he'd need every bit of his concentration for the last few feet.

"No blows were exchanged, then," Harry said, and it was obvious it wasn't a question.

"Only because Orlando's scared of her," Karl replied.

"She's a bloody drill sergeant," Orlando muttered. He managed another step, then felt his knees start to go a little wonky. "Harry, love, if I could..." Immediately, Harry's hand was there, and Orlando gripped it hard, giving a little tug and shake of his head as Harry appeared ready to grab him. "No, don't help me, just..."

"It's all you," Harry assured him, and stood still until Orlando had moved forward those last couple of inches. He felt like he'd run a marathon, but he tried for one of his trademark cheeky grins.

"Can I get my welcome home kiss now?"

He knew he'd succeeded when Harry just laughed, a low rumble that Orlando could feel clear to his toes, and replied, "Absolutely," before cradling Orlando's head and giving him a soft, but very thorough kiss.

Orlando felt a little like he was floating on air when Harry lifted his head. "Helluva incentive to keep pushing myself," he muttered.

"Better double it, then," Karl told him, then leaned in for his own kiss.

When Karl moved back, Orlando stood there, eyes closed, wide smile firmly in place. "Mmm...I could get used to that."

"Don't be surprised if he asks for handjobs as a payment next," Josh said.


"Well, he was talking about them earlier..."

Orlando just did his best to look meek and innocent. The way Harry and Karl were both looking at him, he was sure he'd failed spectacularly. "It was just a passing comment." It sounded weak, even to him. "Just a, y'know, joke. And Katie said --"

"Dude, don't even," Josh said, clearly fighting back laughter. "Katie'll have your ass if she finds out you were lying about getting to have sex."

"Well, you're not going to tell her," Orlando pointed out. "You'll be too busy having sex with Karl on your honeymoon."

"Maybe I could text her really quick before we go..."

"Boys," Karl admonished, before Orlando could reply. "As it happens, Katie and I have talked about it."

"You two were talking about my sex life without me there?" Orlando frowned.

"Just how soon it would be before your body's up for that sort of activity."

Annoyance warred with curiosity for a few long moments before curiosity won out. "Well, what'd she say?"

"You're definitely not up for the full monty yet," Karl grinned, over Harry's chuckle and Josh's laughter.

Orlando immediately pounced on what Karl wasn't saying. "What about the rest of it?"

"Negotiable, provided you take it easy." Karl held up a hand when Orlando started to speak. "And she meant easy, so don't try to get away with anything."

"Like Harry ever lets him," Josh scoffed. "But, hey, dude, congrats on, uh, making the grade."

Orlando didn't even hesitate as he stuck out his tongue at Josh. "Don't you have a plane to catch or something?"

"Is he kicking us out?"

"That's what it sounded like to me," Karl said, in fond exasperation. "That eager to get rid of us?"

"I've seen both of you every day for the past month," Orlando pointed out, making a face at Karl even as he pressed closer to Harry. "The only time I get a break is when Katie's here, and she's worse than the two of you combined. Besides..."

Orlando had to give Karl credit. He waited almost a full thirty seconds before saying anything. "Besides?"

"The two of you deserve this...the honeymoon, the break from me, all of it," Orlando said, softly.

"Hey now, you know there's no place I would have rather been the last few months," Karl replied, just as quietly.

"I know." Orlando cupped Karl's cheek, thumb rubbing over his jaw. "But you and Josh have put this off long enough for me. So, go on, have fun, have lots of sex, and don't come back until you're sick of each other."

"Seeing as that'll take a couple of centuries, why don't we say the three weeks we promised?" Karl said, and brushed a kiss to Orlando's palm.

"We do promise to have lots of sex, though," Josh said, with a cheerful smirk.

Karl turned to Harry. "If you need anything..."

"We won't," Harry told him, then leaned in to give Karl a thorough kiss. "Now, go on so Orlando and I can get caught up."

"And remind your pet that I hate him," Orlando added, before tilting up for his own kiss.

"I heard that," Josh called from the foyer.

"Good!" Orlando yelled back, swallowing a laugh when Karl rolled his eyes.

"I take it this has become a common thing?"

"Oh, puppy," Karl said to Harry on the way out, "you have no idea."

The door closed after him a moment later, leaving Harry and Orlando alone. Orlando swallowed nervously.

"So," he said, searching for what to say first. "Monica's going to be in town soon?"

"So she told me," Harry replied, and squeezed lightly on Orlando's hand. "Why don't we take this to the sofa so we'll be a little more comfortable?"

"Yeah, alright." Orlando dug his fingers into Harry's arm as they started to shamble forward. "But I'll warn you now I might need a little help this time around."

"I'm right here," Harry reminded him, and Orlando nodded. The journey back seemed agonizingly long, and Orlando's muscles were trembling with fatigue by the time he sank onto the cushions, but he'd made it on (mostly) his own power, and that was enough of a victory for him for today.

"Fuck me," he groaned, and leaned his head back, letting his eyes drift shut. He all but melted in relief when Harry tugged him close and wrapped an arm around him. "Missed you."

"I missed you, too," Harry replied, and kissed Orlando's forehead. "So, besides terrorizing Katie about your physical therapy and bickering with Josh, what have you been up to?"

Orlando waved one hand towards the end of the coffee table and the briefcase that sat there, choosing to ignore Harry's comment about Katie. "A fuck ton of that."


Orlando snorted. "If Katie's a drill sergeant, then Viggo's a slave driver. He showed up three weeks ago and said it was time I stopped being a lazy sod and got to work learning my new job."

Harry laughed, and Orlando decided it was the best sound he'd heard in months. "The worst part is that Katie agreed," he continued, twisting to look at Harry. "I think they're conspiring against me."

"Not surprising, considering. And I feel certain you've had Dave to help you learn the ropes."

"Yeah, we Skype all the time, but it's not the same," Orlando replied, ignoring the small pang in his heart he felt anytime he thought about how far away Dave was and how long it would be before he got to see him again. "I can't help but feel like Viggo's punishing me too by sending Dave away as soon as he did."

"In his own way, Viggo's very cunning in his punishments. And you were complicit in conspiring with Dave about what was happening with you."

"I know, which is why I haven't really bitched about it. I know I deserve it," Orlando said, plucking idly at the buttons on Harry's shirt. He'd really missed this - just being close to Harry, hearing his voice. "So, How's Monica doing?"

"She's fine," Harry replied, sounding puzzled. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm curious. And you never really talk about her," Orlando said, tilting his head to watch Harry from the corner of his eye. "And we had a bit of a, well, awkward scene last time we talked about her."

Harry made a noncommittal sound. Orlando almost growled in frustration.

"And Karl and I have had a few interesting talks," he added, when it became obvious that Harry wasn't going to say anything. "And I'm taking his advice, so I'll ask again. How is she doing? And 'fine' is not an acceptable answer."

The corners of Harry's mouth quirked. "So, what would be acceptable?"

Impossible man. Vampire. Whatever. "Harry..."

"What can I tell you, she is fine. We had a lovely visit - sailed up the coast a few days, visited with some old friends - you'd like Zoe, by the way, and her new fledgling."

"Who's Zoe?" Orlando asked, suspiciously.

Harry just laughed. "Marcus' fledgling. Well, he'd tell you she's the bane of his life, but you know how he loves to exaggerate."

"Wait, I'm sorry, did you just say that Marcus has a fledgling?" Orlando asked. He was sure his eyes had to be as wide as saucers. "He actually took the stick out of his arse long enough to notice someone else long enough to put his fangs in them?"

"You have a lot to learn about Marcus," Harry chuckled. "His exploits are rather legendary, but he's always looked on Zoe as a daughter. A wayward one, but a daughter nevertheless."

"I keep hearing about these exploits and his supposed harem, and I have yet to actually see evidence," Orlando said. "I think you're all having me on, and stop trying to change the subject."

"I wasn't trying to change the subject."

"Good." Orlando twisted around just enough to straddle Harry's thighs. "Because we're going to talk, and you," emphasized with a finger to the chest, "are not going to dodge my questions."


"Just so you...wait, did you say okay?" Suspicious, Orlando peered at Harry, trying to figure out what he was up to.

"I did."

"Oh, well. Um, okay then. You sailed up the coast for a few days...she likes sailing? What else does she like? And am I supposed to assume you spent the entire rest of the month in bed shagging your brains out?"

"You can assume what you like, but that doesn't mean I'll tell you."


Harry placed a finger up to Orlando's lips, stilling his words. His eyes were kind, but his voice carried a hint of steel. "If you want to know about what Monica's like, ask your questions. I'll answer. But, I'm not giving you a detailed account of everything Monica and I did together, because it's none of your business. You wouldn't appreciate it if someone asked those same questions about us."

Orlando could feel the mutinous look forming on his face. "I'm not asking for a detailed account," he said, lips moving against Harry's finger. "But you're the only person I know who doesn't talk at all about his vacations."

"Orlando --"

"Don't you 'Orlando' me." Orlando crossed his arms over his chest. "Alright, fine. What does she like besides sailing? And you, obviously. What does she dislike? How did her show go? She had one, right?"

"She did," Harry confirmed, "and it went well. The press seemed to like it, as did everyone attending."

"Did you?"

"Some of the pieces were very original. She's got a wonderful eye."

"Okay, so, likes sailing, you, good at her job...keep going."

Harry chuckled. "You could always try getting to know her yourself."

Orlando narrowed his eyes. "She's not here right now."

"She's over 600 years old, love. If I were to tell you everything you wanted to know about her, we'd be here a very long time," Harry reminded him. "Perhaps you could be a little more specific tonight?"

Orlando opened his mouth, then stopped as a thought occurred to him. It was insane, but he'd never let that stop him before. "Give me her phone number. Please."

Harry stared at him as if he'd suddenly sprouted a second head. "And why," he asked, slowly, "would you need it?"

"You said I should get to know her myself, so I'm going to," Orlando said, unable to keep from looking a little smug. Scared of women, ha. "I'm going to call her in the next few weeks, we'll have a nice chat, and I'll ask her to dinner. And you're not invited."

"Alright," Harry shrugged. "Although I thought you wanted me with you the first time you met her."

Orlando frowned again. He'd been certain - mostly certain, anyway - Harry was going to refuse. This easy acquiesce was a little disconcerting. "Well, I did, but..."

"No, it's fine, you two should get to know each other without me getting in the way."

"You're being far too agreeable about this. I don't know if I should be thankful or frightened."


Orlando nodded. "Usually, it means that I'm about to do something that is going to fail spectacularly, and you're just going to sit back and watch it happen, then make me explain why it happened and how I can prevent it from happening again."

Harry laughed. "You won't fail. She wants to get to know you, too."

"She does? I mean, of course she does," Orlando said, trying not to think too much about all the possible implications of that. "She's curious, like me, and, well, yes. So that's that. You'll give me the number and I'll call her and we'll, just, so, um."

"Um?" Harry looked entirely too amused.

"Do you know that in all the times I tried to get you to talk about Lauren, I never once thought to ask Karl," Orlando said, going with the very first thing that popped into his head, then holding his breath once he realized what he'd said.

Harry froze against him for a split second, but then Orlando could feel Harry force himself to relax. "I take it that you and Karl have talked about her, as well?"

"Some," Orlando admitted. Any second now, he was sure Harry would do that deep-freeze thing and shut him out. "He misses her, too."

"I know he does," Harry said, softly, and closed his eyes. Orlando studied his face, searching for...well, he wasn't sure, but it still didn't look like Harry was going to dump him on his ass and hightail it out the door, so he'd count it as a draw.

"I think," Orlando said, choosing each word carefully, "that he was glad for the chance to talk about her. And that he'd like to be able to do that with you."

Harry didn't speak, just sat there, chest barely moving as he breathed, hands loose on Orlando's hips. Their bond felt, well, not exactly calm, but not cold. So Orlando ran his tongue over his bottom lip and rested his hand lightly on Harry's chest. "I'd like it, too."

The reply was so soft that Orlando almost didn't hear it. "Alright."

Of all the things Orlando had thought Harry might say... "You're serious?"

Harry opened his eyes. Orlando could see the tinges of grief clouding them, but it wasn't anything like it had been before. He wondered if this newfound calm had anything to do with Monica, and if it did, he knew he'd owe her a debt that he'd never be able to repay.

"I've been reliably informed that if I don't talk about her, then I'll start to lose her. And that's the very last thing I would ever want." Harry smiled, a small, sad smile, but it still warmed Orlando's heart to see it. "So, ask your questions. I'll do my best to answer."

"If we reach a point where you can't," Orlando said, one hand cupping Harry's jaw as he leaned in to rest his forehead against Harry's, "just tell me and we'll stop. We've got the rest of our lives to talk about this, and I plan on living a very, very long time."

Harry's smile was a little wider, a little less sad. "Looking forward to it."

"So." Orlando paused, took a deep, slow breath as he attempted to organize his thoughts. "Karl's already told me a bit about her, things they did together, how she was stubborn like you, that sort of thing..." He paused again when Harry chuckled. "Tell me about your very first memory of her."

"Right after she was born," Harry answered promptly. "Karl and I were both there. Not in the room," he added, at Orlando's puzzled look, "it wasn't heard of back then for the father to be there for the delivery, but after. We...we already knew there was nothing we could do for Diane at that point, but the doctor had made her as comfortable as possible. She was holding Lauren when Karl and I were finally allowed in, just talking to her, and...just seeing this tiny bundle in Diane's felt like my heart stopped for a moment. And I knew, when it started beating again, it would beat for her."

Orlando could see the picture so clearly in his head - Karl and Harry hesitating by the door, Diane, pale and dying, but with enough strength left to cradle her infant daughter, Lauren blissfully unaware that her new life was already going to change completely. "I wasn't aware that Diane, um, survived long enough to meet her."

"They had almost a full day together before she died," Harry replied. His eyes held a faraway sheen to them, but his grip on Orlando's hips was comforting, real, an anchor to the present.

"Lauren knew about her mother, though, didn't she?"

Harry nodded. "Karl and I always made sure Lauren knew everything about her mother."

"You kept Diane alive for her," Orlando smiled, wondering if Harry could see the irony. He reached down, curled his fingers around Harry's wrists and lifted strong hands so he could look at them. "So many scars," he said, soft and gentle. "What was it like holding her for the first time?"

Harry let out a low laugh. "Honestly, I thought I was going to drop her. Or crush her, one. Karl was...he was a natural with her, but I'd never had much experience with infants. Children, yes, but it's different once they can hold their own head up."

Orlando was touched, but not entirely surprised. It had to be disconcerting for a man far more used to wielding a weapon to hold something so fragile. "I bet you took to it well enough."

"All it took was for her to open her eyes and look at me. I've never known love like that. Not even with Karl."

"And yet you're afraid to try again." Orlando shook his head and held up a hand when Harry opened his mouth. "No, let me talk, and then I swear I'll never bring it up again if you're still dead set against it. You have so much love inside you, Harry. Just look at how patient you've always been with me, even when I deserved to be knocked through a wall. A child with someone like Monica..."

He studied Harry's eyes for a few seconds, sorting out his thoughts and next words. "That child would be like Karl and Viggo," he finally said, voice just above a whisper. "You'd never have to worry about them growing old and dying...and you can't go through life afraid of losing again. That's not living and we both know it."

Harry's reply was barely louder than Orlando's, but there was a note in his voice that Orlando had never heard before. Not precisely anger, not exactly grief, but some weird combination of the two. "One of the very first lessons a vampire learns is loss. I know more about living with it than you will in several lifetimes. And if Monica and I ever decide to take that step and try for a child, it would be because it's something she and I choose to do together."

"I know that, I just -- "

"No, it's my turn now," Harry interrupted, his voice whip-sharp. "I will love you until your final breath and even after, and I look forward to sharing my life with you and to answering your questions, but all of the bonds in the world don't give you the right to tell me how I feel or to tell me how to live." His grip on Orlando's hips softened as he gentled his tone. "I promise you and Karl will be a part of any decision of that magnitude, but it's all I can give you, and I would ask that you finally respect my wishes on this."

Chewing his bottom lip, Orlando sat there for a long moment and just looked at Harry. While not perfect (and he certainly hadn't expected it to be), it had been a far better response than he'd hoped. "I'm not trying to tell you how to feel or how to live, honestly," he finally said, dropping his hands to his lap. "I'm just trying to understand why you won't, that's all."

"This isn't the first time you've lectured me about having another child," Harry gently reminded him. "My answer hasn't changed, and all of the careful cajoling on your part won't change it, either. It's not your decision to make."

With a small smile, Orlando leaned in and brushed his lips across Harry's. "You're right. I'm sorry. Now, tell me about Lauren some more?"

"Alright." Harry shifted Orlando until they were seated side by side again and Harry'd pulled Orlando close to him. "Tell me what you want to know."

"Um, everything?"

Harry chuckled. "Again, that's a lot of ground for one evening. Maybe you could focus your curiosity."

Orlando's brows furrowed as he mentally picked and discarded several topics. He wanted something light, something that would keep Harry relaxed and talking. "Karl told me she was married."

"She was," Harry smiled. "And Colin was almost good enough for her."

"You sound like Karl," Orlando muttered, then cast a sidelong glance Harry's way. "So tell me how many suitors you scared off before he snagged her."

"Tons," Harry promptly replied, with a wink, and Orlando laughed in delight at seeing it.

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Karl was much worse."

"I can believe that." Orlando snuggled in close, making a happy noise when Harry's arm tightened. "And how many hoops did you make poor Colin jump through before you gave your approval."

"I wouldn't say there were hoops, precisely."

"Uh huh, right," Orlando snorted. "And you people say I tell fibs. I bet the poor man thought he had absolutely no chance of getting Lauren to the altar. Tell me about the wedding."

"Lauren was radiant," Harry said, voice soft and, well, misty - not that Orlando would actually say that, and he knew Harry would deny it if he tried. "Don't tell him I told you, but Karl cried a little."

"He did not!"

"She was our baby girl," Harry shrugged, but he was still smiling. "I came close myself."

"So, who gave her away?"

"Both of us, of course."

"Of course."

"Viggo officiated."

Orlando's eyes widened. "He can perform actual human marriage ceremonies?"

"He's a licensed minister, if that's what you're asking," Harry replied. "And he and Lauren were close. I think he was honored that she asked him to perform the ceremony."

"Huh, I'm clearly going to have to do some snooping on him," Orlando mused.

"You know he'll tell you pretty much anything you ask, don't you?"

"I know, I know," Orlando said, waving one hand. "I just have to ask the right questions."


Falling silent, Orlando sat there for several minutes, content to listen to Harry's breathing. "I really did miss you," he finally said, shifting just enough to press a kiss to the side of Harry's neck.

"I missed you, too," Harry quietly replied, and tilted Orlando up for a soft, thorough kiss.

Orlando gave a little hum of approval when they parted. " heard Karl, right?" he asked, trying his best to keep his tone light.


"What he and Katie talked about."

Harry just gave him an amused look. "Is this your subtle way of asking me for a handjob?"

"Was I being subtle?" Orlando blinked, then flashed his most charming smile. "I wasn't trying to be. How about I just be blatant and tell you that I really, really want that handjob?" He frowned when Harry laughed. "I'm desperate here."

"I have no doubt."

"Harry..." Yeah, he was suspiciously close to whining. He didn't care, if it meant he'd finally have Harry's hands on him.

"After you've rested," Harry told him. "Then we'll see. I don't want you overtaxing yourself."

Orlando growled and closed his eyes, silently counting to ten. When he opened his eyes, Harry still looked amused. "Alright, fine," he said, sitting up straight and trying his best to act dignified. "Will you lay down with me?"


"I promise I'll take a nap." One hand slid along Harry's arm to his hand, fingers linking together. "Besides, how can you know I'm resting if you're not there with me?"

"Will it bother you if I do some work?"

Orlando shook his head. "That's fair. Does that mean you'll come up with me?"

Harry quirked an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong with the sofa?"

"Well, no..."

"I have it on good authority that we can both fit on it just fine."

"True, but the bed is bigger," Orlando pointed out, feeling rather proud of himself for his logic.

"Alright, bed it is. But you're walking to the door."

Orlando eyed the library door with trepidation. It was a lot farther than from the chair to Harry. He looked down at his legs, sighed, then tipped his chin up. "You'll have to stay beside me," he said. "Just in case."

"Every step," Harry said, standing with an ease that Orlando envied.

"If you let me get bruised," he said, accepting Harry's hand to get to his feet, "you'll have to answer to Katie."

Harry just smiled and took a half step back as Orlando looked at the door again. Hell, might as well get it over with. He started his very slow, steady trudge across the room with Harry beside him.


recovery, harry sinclair, karl urban, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, claimed 'verse, orlando bloom

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