homemade mushroom pizza on a pizza stone
Unfortunately, I didnt get a chance to make Steve a pizza before he deployed. Today, I decided to finally do it. I've had the pizza stone for about 2 weeks now and have been using to bake dog cookies on...lol. So, I sliced up my mushrooms, made the pizza dough with the mixer and pureed all the tomatoes in the food processor (which is tiny so I had to do it several times). I basically cooked the tomatoes with onions, garlic, vinegar, sugar, spices and salt until most of the liquid was gone. It actually turned out really tasty, but I dont think I could replicate it--especially since I was just throwing stuff in there...lol.
I tried to throw the dough in the air and stretch it out--lol. That didnt work ot so well so I had to kind of improvise and also bring out the rolling pin.
One thing I forgot to do was do a light dusting of corn meal on the pizza stone first so the pizza kind of stuck to it :oX Lesson learned!