This weekend, I did a bit of shopping. Once I got back into town from the NKOTB concert, I stopped by Ikea to check out their stuff. I bought Cody the cutest pop up tent and she's taken a liking to it! I decided to remove her crate and set up shop in her new tent. It fits her doggie bed an has enough space for her doggie bowl. She hangs out in there all of the time now!
It's white w/ beige swirls and green trim
I also bought a new bedspread for myself :oP 9 out of 10 times I go, nothing is cute, but I found something this time! It's green and white and reminds me of fish Neutal and natural is my middle name!
Yesterday, I stopped into Chinatown Center to buy some AZN goodies. Every month or so, me and 3 other girls from where I used to work (First American) host a dinner and game night. We've gone full circle and it's my turn to host again so I'm going to make a chicken/broccoli/noodle stir fry, veggie potstickers and a 5 star spice flourless cake. The girls are going to be in for a treat! While I was at MT Supermarket, I ran into Gloria, someone I used to work with, too. She gave me the scoop of what's going on...another layoff...UGH! I'm glad I left when I did.
After buying buying my AZN groceries, I made a stop at Lily's Sub Shop for my favorite Vietnamese mystery meat subs (the ones that Angela hates
canadagirl). I bought 2 of them and ate one during the drive home--haha! I made a stop at a American grocery store for things I didnt bother looking for in the AZN one since my basket was already so heavy and I didnt want to scour the entire store.
When I got home, I watched the Red Sox game only to watch us lose and miss our chance for the World Series. It's ok though...they never win when Steve's in the country! They've won in 2004 and 2007...the years Steve was in Iraq so it was just meant to be!
Work has been picking up. As we approach the end of the year, everyone is busy trying to get their budget for next year approved so that's been a trip. I'm already ready for the weekend!
And while I was at work, I got 2 evites--are people just NOW discovering it? I have one out for Veronica's baby shower, and then today I got one for a batallion dinner and then one for Steve's 10 year high school reunion...craziness.
Anyway, I'm off to relax :oP