Tomorrow marks 3 months since Steve's left for Iraq--1/4 of the way there! I think time has passed fairly quickly. I have a lot of things to look forward to in the upcoming months which I'm sure will make the rest of the deployment go by just as fast--we've got the cruise in 2 weeks, my brother and his GF are spending their spring break down here with me in March, I fly to Boston in April and then to CA w/ my bestest friend, Becky
hoodwink, and meeting 2 of my best friends from college, Kim and Hina. The summer may drag a bit, but before I know it--it'll be time for Steve to come home :oD
Anyway, again, him and the guys were going to stay up and watch the Pat's game. If they win, they'll be in the Super Bowl--but they wont win because Steve will be in the US by During his first deployment, the Red Sox won the World Series AND the Pats won the Super Bowl so I'm convinced that Steve is the
I prepaid for parking for our cruise's $20 cheaper that way! Only $50 for 7 days and shuttle back and forth to the port..whoo! And next weekend, I'll have to shop for necessities like sunblock (I went to HEB on Friday and they didnt have any out), Dramamine, and a cute lil' cocktail dress for one of the formal nights :oD
Oh speaking of which, I still check prices for our cruise just to see what they are and YOWZAS I definitely bought it at the right time. Balcony rooms are $200 more now per person! The travel agent definitely wasn't lying when he said prices go up once they meet their quota and no longer need to sell at cheap prices. Phew..just in time :oD
Well, I'm off to type Steve his nightly email and then I'm crawling into bed.