Plans and a call for help

Jun 29, 2006 15:52

We're heading to Wisconsin on the fifth and won't be back 'til the 11th. Is there someone here who's willing to come in about every other day (any time during the day), put out food and water for the cats, and water the plants on the porch?

This weekend, we're going to Columbus for Origins. (Only gone two nights, so the cats will be fine.) Then we're here Monday and Tuesday, and head to Wisconsin on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday will be with my folks. Saturday, we head down to the Madison area, stopping along the way to touch base with my sister. Saturday is the 10th anniversary for some friends from my undergrad, and at least one other friend from Beloit will be there, so it'll be something of a reunion. Then Saturday night, Sunday and Monday, we're with Rusty & family.

And then back here for a week or so before Starwood! Busy July!

Today I'm doing laundry and putting stuff away. We had to shift the location of the bookshelves so that they wouldn't block a heating vent. This means the shelves themselves face the diningroom area. But it will work quite nicely and we'll have some spots for smaller shelf type things on that side of the room.

gaming, travel, family, cats, rt, house

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