
Jul 22, 2007 16:19

i just had oysters for the first time they were disgusting. too bad tho cuz they r low cal or so ive heard.

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Comments 19

secretsbby July 23 2007, 08:00:48 UTC
blegh oysters are the worst, and true they may be low cal but the sodium level is ridiculous!


anonymous August 8 2007, 18:48:21 UTC

2007-08-08 05:20 pm UTC (link)
"trying to fucking figure that out!!! maybe cuz i wouldnt give him head . . . which he was begging for. but honestly, no guy ive had sex with has EVER done that to me. he said i was too cocky and that i wasnt the shit." <<<<<


cjolie August 8 2007, 21:05:14 UTC
o my god sweetie thanks for the insight but no matter how promiscuous you think i am dont you dare throw it in my face like that. first of all, you posted anonymously, so it doesnt say much for you that you cant even fess up to who you are. and you definitely should not judge because ive only had sex with 6 guys. however i do agree that i am not experienced enough to know what the best sex is, and my men although they are good are not pros yet either.

finally it DOES NOT FLY that you seem to blame me for the way that he acted. even if id had hundreds of men I DO NOT deserve to be treated like that. its his shit, not mine.


king_josie August 8 2007, 21:17:46 UTC
Someone who posts anon doesn't respect their own opinions, so you shouldn't listen.
You don't deserve ANYTHING inappropriate to happen to you sexually, whatever your age, and however many guys you've slept with.
I think this person should reserve their words for the 12-13-14-year-olds who have sex. She is right that you should wait for someone special though, because sex is so sensitive and you have so much potential to get hurt.


cjolie August 8 2007, 21:29:31 UTC
hey thanks so much. totally agree anons are way too insecure. its probably some freak who cant get laid or something. but ya i agree that i should wait now. i had no idea that a guy would actually hurt ME like that. now that i look back i should have expected it but it still hurts and he should burn in hell


want_tobe_thin2 August 25 2007, 05:51:43 UTC
hey hows it going haven't chatted in awhile because my com. is messed up, however i read the last few entries on here and take it from someone with experience it really doesn't matter how many people you are with..Because when the right person comes around they are not going to care..Because when it comes down to it you are the only one who needs to know...I have been happily married for four years now and that is a number we have never brought up..Because when it comes down to it wheather you have been with 6 or 60 they are going to be jelous and so are you if you find out there number and the likley hood of them telling the trueth is not very good so fuck what anybody say's because really what business is ot of their's anyway.You are the one who has to look yourself in the mirror not them.


cjolie August 28 2007, 00:54:21 UTC
o my god thank you so much. totally right tho when i get married im leaving my past behind me cuz men are SUCH ASSHOLES. this guys coming to my house tonight and he just told my friend that i creep him out cuz i call him too much . . . and incidentally hes the one who always calls me . . . anyway dont think im gonna get any tonight lol!! but ya thanks so much your words were very uplifting. good to know someone's not judging me. anyways how are you?


want_tobe_thin2 August 28 2007, 05:46:16 UTC
Hey i am not one to judge anybody! And really unless you are perfect and nobody is what right do they have to judge... maybe they should worry about their own issue's and let you deal with yours...just remember what i said you are the one who has to look yourself in the mirror not them, and as long as you can do that and be proud of what you see then don't worry about those who need to put you down inorder to bild themselve up...They really are not worth the reaction they are trying to get from you...Plus when you do react they why they are expecting you to that is when they win, and by the sounds of it you are much better than that....In fact you sound a lot like me at 16 and i turned out pretty alright i have my regrets but then again we all do....Anyway things are pretty good here with me i go back to work soon 2 weeks to be exact so i am hoping that will help me with my weight goal ..How are things with you...And don't worry about the boy in my oppinion if you really creaped him oput then he wouldn't be stopping by.. Just make ( ... )


want_tobe_thin2 August 28 2007, 05:50:55 UTC
hey sorry about all the spelling errors it is late and i was typing a little fast talk to you soon


Remember me? laura_wishes April 9 2008, 14:15:42 UTC
Hey I don't even know if you'll remember me but I was here last year and we spoke quite a lot. I hope you're ok. I went into recovery and I'm back to my old ways now, how you doing? xxxx


Re: Remember me? cjolie April 9 2008, 17:44:19 UTC
oh yeah i do hey girl! i just kinda stopped going there, i really don't know why...i think there were alot of posers. How was recovery? i think when we first started talking i had just left treatment. right now i want to be healthy and maintain my weight (which is ok cuz i'm still really thin) but i still struggle with this illness so much, especially since i started modeling (yay finally!) well good to hear from you and we can totally still talk if you want


Re: Remember me? laura_wishes April 10 2008, 07:12:55 UTC
Well I haven't been there for a while and I don't know anyone so I've kind of stopped too, it doesn't feel the same without everyone else. I don't suppose you know how skinny sharon is do you? Last time I spoke to her she was pretty ill. Recovery was horrible, I feel so disgusting. I'm feeling quite messed up at the moment but also more determined than ever if I can take any positives out of that experience. It didn't work, I'm more scared of eating than ever. Well done on the modelling!!!!!! That's brilliant, esp. because you're eating healthily too, I'm really happy for you! Yea that sounds great, if you ever need a chat I'm right here! Good luck with everything! x


Re: Remember me? cjolie April 10 2008, 12:29:21 UTC
no i don't know how she is but i remember she was in pretty bad shape. yeah those treatment centers give great therapy and they make you feel all safe when you're there, but then they thrust you out into the exact same situation as you were when you left, only you're 20, 30, 40 pounds heavier. it's no wonder people relapse, because they can't fix our home life or our school drama and whatever else was wrong with our lives before we went into treatment, that might be contributing to our eds


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