And now a rare treat

Jan 23, 2005 15:28

I have not written poetry in a long time. The repressed rage and depression that led to poetry no longer burns inside of me. The following poem was written in the spring of 2002. The month was May. At the time I was pretty involved in the anti-war scene.

America the Beautiful

Oh say can you see?
Our flags on every shore.
Spreading democracy
and World Bank loans.
We clean up like Union Carbide
and hide the real drug war.
Bombs kill babies,
presidents arm freedom fighters
and history forgets East Timor.

Buy a flag at the Wal*mart
and plant it in your Monsanto manicured lawn.

They fear us for our freedom and
hate us for our wealth.

Oil like heroin
heavy in our veins.
The world's new alchemy
War on terrors obvious chains.

Rape and pillage, America,
father to the world.
Will make the bullets,
you pull the trigger.
You die from starvation
and we'll name the scapegoat.

Fight terrorism - Terrorize!
Kill Colombians, kill Iraqis
It makes no difference when you're either for us or against us.
Desire for power ceasing only in death.

America vs. the world
Does the bully always win?
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