Conflicted feelings of a liberal Catholic

Jan 24, 2005 16:13

Today is the annual March for Lives. I am frustrated with the number of freaking people on the metro and their damn signs.

I am trying to be accepting, as they would not be if it were instead a march for abortion rights. I prayed for these teenage girls that they would never need an abortion, and I prayed for their enlightenment and compassion for women in need. I thought also about how exciting it must be to be a young person marching for something in which you strongly believe.

As a Catholic, I think abortion is wrong, but as a woman, I think women deserve the access to any and all medical procedures that enhance their own lives, health, and safety. As a human being, I think those women in need of such services deserve my respect for their strength, and my compassion for their plight.

These teenage girls with their pictures of babies, sentiments of love and life, would they offer love and life to a sister in need? Or would they tell that girl she is a sinner?

It's days like today that I am not proud of my faith, and I am not happy to be a student at one of the largest Catholic Universities in the world.

It may be blasphemous, but I will continue to pray to St. Thomas Aquinas that all Catholic students continue to know God's grace, and that they somehow find an open mind within this church dominated institution.
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