Samsung NF210 Netbook

Apr 28, 2011 22:27

I Just received my new ivory netbook , I really like it and even managed to install 2GB of RAM in it instead of the 1GB it comes with. Keyboard is nicely spaced, though it’s throwing me a little as I feel it should be more to the left like my laptop, and the right shift key’s a bit far off

So, while I’m messing about updating software etc. I thought I’d try out Windows Live Writer and see if it’s okay for posting to Live journal. I wonder where the tags are? Hmmm, you can add tags, but it hasn’t downloaded my tags from LJ, I’ll be buggered if I can remember most of them but the spell check is reassuring

I wonder if the emoticon’s will look the same.

ramble, netbook, general

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