Arashi Haul + “Blast” DVD Ramble *spoilers*

May 28, 2015 01:48

Finally, my Arashi goods from arrived last week. I got two singles and a concert DVD. The singles are Sakura, and 青空の下、キミのとなり [あおぞら の した、 きみ の となり] [Aozora no Shita, Kimi no Tonari], which appears to be something about being next to you under the blue sky, and is the theme for Aiba’s latest drama. I like them overall.

Oh, I didn’t know there was a track 05 on the 青空の下、キミのとなり single cd, is it a secret talk thing just for the computer? It’s over half an hour long and I have no idea what they’re saying, but they sound like they’re having fun! Damn my bad memory, and general lack of intelligence! Ah, found this.

God, I’m being an idiot tonight, first I forget to switch my speakers on and was sitting wondering why there was no sound, and then I put my cd in the player upside down!

My ‘videogram’, (I do like that word, it was in the warning at the front of the DVD), of ‘Arashi Blast in Hawaii’ (normal edition, Japan version), has a nice design and colour scheme, AND there are English subtitles! Damn, used the caps lock too soon, the English subs are only in the main concert DVD when they’re cutting away to the boys for a few comments about their anniversary. If you know Kanji there are Japanese subs, so you could sing along and/or practice your Japanese if you wanted to.

Inside the DVD box are two discs and a lovely set of postcard sized photographs (joined concertina style), with individual photos of the members on one side, and group shots from the concert on the other.

Oh, Ohno just did a back flip egged on by Jun; I’m watching the concert as I ramble on. The sound quality of the DVD is good and I had to turn the volume right down to 6 to avoid disturbing anyone with my nocturnal viewing. Speaking of which, don’t you think that the early part of the P.A.R.A.D.O.X dance makes them look like they need to go to the toilet?

Why do they look good when the sweat? It looks like glitter under the lights, so shiny! Rainbows and glitter, that’s what Arashi are made of! Wow, I need to go to bed and sleep post-haste! I want plushie dolls of Arashi to cuddle, those exist right? Right?!

So pretty in pink (Meikyū Love Song - 迷宮ラブソング), now I feel like a pervy old woman. Seriously though, they all have pictures in the attic right? Because they’re all looking younger than the last time I saw them!

They opened the concert (disc 1) with A.RA.SHI and moved on to such songs as Love so Sweet, Happiness, 5x10, Summer Splash, Monster, Troublemaker, Bittersweet etc. and there are 30 songs in total.

For the concert talk and encore we move onto disc 2. It starts with the talk, Sho first, Ohno cried - somebody cuddle him quick! Aiba went next and made a funny comment about Ohno getting emotional as it’s usually him, or something, making the other members laugh, Nino was funny as usual judging from the crowd reactions and looked nice in white and silver, in fact they all looked nice, I especially like the scarves. Jun was last, he and Sho always seem the most serious in these little talks. I shall have to pray to the gods of the Internet to magically produce a clip with subtitles.

The encore songs are included in the list of 30, so no extras unfortunately, not even solos in the main concert, which was surprising. Oh oh, Ohno and Jun walking cuddles! Where are the rest of the group-cuddles? What? Everyone likes cuddles!

Documentary Comments

On disc 2 there is the, “Documentary of “Blast in Hawaii”’, but no English subs, damn it. Why couldn’t they have stretched the subs to the documentary?

Arashi arrived, and left, the concert in a helicopter and during the latter the crowd were waving their pen lights and singing the slow ending to A.RA.SHI as they flew away, the blades of the helicopter caught the light and looked like they had little circles of rainbows in the middle, the whole scenario looked really nice, it must have been a great atmosphere at the live event.

During the documentary Arashi re-traced their steps from the original visit and re-created some photos, my goodness, but they were young when they started! They even spent some time on the original launch boat, the Lady Sadie (was it the same name back then?), the flag with the Arashi Kanji on it was nice, and Jun was so polite when they were leaving, saying thank you in English, which prompted the rest to join in.

Then we’re taken behind the scenes. I always find it a bit disconcerting seeing rehearsals, they’re so far removed from the finished product, and it’s impressive how it all comes together.

Back to the promotion for the tour I think, at one point Nino had a t-shirt on with the slogan, ‘My mood is black, my eyes are black, my life is black, my love is black’… you’re so cool Nino-さん ;)

Jun finally got his shirt off, but just in the documentary, I thought that traditions had gone go by the wayside this time. It looked like he worked really hard on the concert behind the scenes.

Have you ever noticed that Aiba has very hairy armpits? Does he have something on his left bicep (inside)? It looks like someone wrote something on him in black felt-tip pen.

Oh, it was amusing when the five of them gathered to do the pre-concert ‘battle-cry’ before boarding the helicopter. Ohno thought Jun was going to do the pep-talk so he was his usual casual self, but no, Jun was looking to his Rīdā to let loose the dogs of J-pop on their 15th anniversary, and his attitude was all ‘I can wait here all day for you to catch on if I have to!’ It was sweet of him trying to give Ohno a ‘moment’, but I don’t think Rīdā was the least bit bothered! It’s one of the things I like about him, but Jun does likes to do things properly, so of course he thought it should be Ohno, it’s generous of him really as he could have easily taken over :)

They looked like a really camp security detail in their smart red suits, Nino and Jun even had walkie-talkies.

Quick blow dry back stage and back to work, busy busy busy!

I just noticed this in the documentary, but during ‘Monster’, they really didn’t show the Hawaiian fire dancers enough.

They showed some footage from the day/s it rained, it didn’t slow anyone down. You’ve gotta love ‘em, they’re not going to let something small like torrential rain stop the show, and they can still spell P.A.R.A.D.O.X! Learn to spell with Arashi, I’d sign up!

I enjoyed it, but really where are those paintings hidden? They must be truly horrifying by now! *LOL*

ありがとう ございます 嵐

P.S. Aiba did cry during one of the talks, I knew it! *LOL* がんばって Aiba-さん.

ramble, arashi, japanese products, music, dvd, concert,

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