If you happen to be polishing your rifle and mentally rehearsing your triumphant strike back against those who have been consipring against you - such as
*City Hall
*Mall Shoppers
*A religious group
*An ethnic group
*Any mammals
Let me gently request that you take a few moments out of your preparation for retribution to consider the following:
A. The "shooting rampage" thing is so worn out and "me too." School shootings in particular are getting pretty repetitive. (
http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0777958.html) So if you're looking to shock society, you'd need to invent a time machine. But you can't, because...
B. You're only clever enough to use a gun, which isn't saying anything. Every few years you hear about hunting dogs (accidently?) triggering shotguns and blasting off some redneck's testicle. If you were smart enough to use a more elegant method of revenge, you probably would be smart enough to realize...
C. It's not really about whatever you're fixated on. Sure, you got the short end of the stick a few times, snubbed by a girl, passed over for promotion, etc. That shit happens to everybody (no, really, it does) but the vast majority of us aren't powderkegs of rage looking for an excuse to steal an ever-diminsihing amount of attention. Most of us understand...
D. Running around and shooting folks won't change what you seem to think it will change; it will only make everyone a little more paranoid and keep security checks a bigger hassle. The simple act of murdering random folks doesn't magically cause social change or dramatic epiphanies - except for one: confirming that "he REALLY WAS the kind of person who would snap and go on a killing spree!" Might I suggest...
F. There are other ways to lose your mind and do something drastic. I realize that in your crazy as fuck mindset there is something romantic about ambushing defenseless, unsuspecting people until you are killed by law enforcement or eat your own gun. Consider this, however: it would be INSANE and SHOCKING if you took your rage and despair and went for a walk. IN A PARK. Everyone would be like, "OMG! That crazy loner asshole guy that normally sits in his basement and drafting lists of people to kill is ENJOYING THE SUNSHINE! What does this mean? He's reaching into his jacket and pulling out... A BOOK! My world is rocked! Everything I thought about volitile hermits was wrong! I was wrong to judge... "
So- the obvious way to bring society to its knees and cause us all to question ourselves would be to SUDDENLY BE NORMAL. Nobody could see it coming, or stop it! There's no defense to tactics like "reasonable conversation" or "constructive self-expression"! We'd be powerless to resist your thoughtful suggestions and observations!
But if that sounds like a shitty idea, I can only suggest you not waste time, bullets or gasoline with your futile gesture. Just eat the gun now.