a week and a half til my due date...

Apr 03, 2011 09:55

Despite my daily pep talks about how nice it is outside and how his Mommy, Daddy, and big sister are really ready to meet him, baby boy is staying put. I told Elery last night, "I just don't think he has any interest in being born." I've been trying to encourage him to drop with squats, tailor sitting, and curb walking (actually, a fairly good exercise for stretching out your Achilles tendon too it turns out) but he's staying up high.

I had a doctor's appointment on Friday. My OB said, "75% effaced and we'll go ahead and say you're 3cm but if another doctor were to check you, they'd probably say 2cm." Well...ok. So does that mean I'm somewhere between 2-3cm or am I still at 2 and he didn't want to discourage me? Too late. I'm discouraged. I was hopeful for strong and steady progress. I know I still have about a week and a half until my due date, but since the baby still hasn't dropped, I'm a little concerned I will have to be induced. I really don't want to be induced since the pitocin makes contractions more painful/intense and hello, you already hear about how labor is the worst pain you'll ever experience! My doctor's policy is not to let pregnancies progress past 41 weeks (due to the risk of the placenta beginning to break down). Since I know my dates are accurate, I'd rather be induced then take any chances with the baby's health. If baby hasn't arrived by Friday (next OB appointment) he said we'll start talking about scheduling an induction. Baby boy will still have time to come on his own until 40 some weeks, but the OB wants to get it scheduled and on the calendar in case baby boy doesn't take his last opportunity!

So that's it. No real progress to be excited about. I was hopeful he'd come early, now I feel like I'll just be lucky if he comes on his own at all.

baby kelery

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