the last few weeks of pregnancy

Mar 27, 2011 09:24

The last stretch of pregnancy is hard. Yes, "it won't be long now" and "it's just a few more weeks" but it is a few more HARD weeks so the fact that there's weeks left isn't really uplifting. I told Elery, I feel like I'm making up for the rest of the pregnancy being so easy by these last few weeks being so difficult. I am always uncomfortable. There is not a way to stand or sit or lay down that provides relief. In fact, you know how most people love to lay down in their bed after a long hard day? Laying down at the end of the day is the total opposite for me now. It's a pain in the butt. I have to get all the pillows JUST right to support my belly and hips and if I'm having braxton-hicks at that particular moment, it's like trying to find a comfortable place to sleep with a boulder attached to your stomach. Even with the support, my hips ache. I'm up every hour and a half to flip sides which doesn't sound like a big thing trust me, at this stage in the game, it takes a lot of effort. Even if I'm tired enough to sleep in, I physically can't. After awhile the pain in my hips is just too much and the only relief is sitting up and when I wake up, my hands are so swollen the joints ache. It gets better as the day goes on and the swelling goes down but for now, there is no "sleep now because you won't when the baby comes!" Guess what, for the pregnant woman, that sleeplessness starts waaaaaay before the baby comes. Yeah, it probably gets worse once the baby arrives, but trust me, I'm not exactly getting the greatest of sleep now. During the weekend, I can nap but during the work week, I'm still working my full time schedule (4 days a week, 10 hours a day) so no naps then! During the day, I'm having braxton-hicks contractions maybe 5-6 an hour most hours of the day. They don't hurt but they are uncomfortable. It makes sitting or standing or walking THAT much more difficult. Plus, in order to get comfy around them, I end up arching my back which of course, eventually makes those back muscles ache. Lose-Lose. The only good thing about the BH though is that, since I've been having a ton of them, I've been having progress toward labor so perhaps they're helping with that. It just gets wearing when it's every day for weeks... Last random complaint? My belly button. I think it's reached its stretching limit. Sometimes it feels like it is burning! However, so far, I only have 3 small, light stretch marks on my left hip and none on my belly. Hate to be vain but, I'm really hoping I deliver this kiddo before my belly reaches its stretching limit.

I try not to whine too much (except to Elery) but I just wanted to put it out there how hard the last few weeks really are and now that I've sufficiently whined, of course it's worth it. I'm just emotionally and physically ready to meet this little guy.


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