weather and moods

Mar 21, 2011 11:32

It is amazing what the weather will do for my mood. On Saturday it was in the 50s and raining all day. I was grumpy and bored. Then on Sunday the sun was shining and it reached 79*...I was happy as a clam.

For the first time in what feels like forever, I didn't have any doctor's appointments scheduled for Friday. Instead I went grocery shopping, took a long nap, and picked the kiddo up from school as usual. That was actually my last trip out to pick her up from school until school resumes in the fall. As close as I'm getting to my due date, I don't want to chance it and start having contractions on the way out there (or back) and try to safely drive us both home. I told El I'd make the trip through the end of this month but she's on spring break this week so we're getting her on Thursday and meeting her Mom at the halfway point anyways so, that was it! We spent the evening playing Jenga and then watched a muppet movie on Netflix. Elery loved the movie as a kid and Savannah seemed to enjoy it--it was torture for me, haha. Was not a fan.

Saturday was gloomy and rainy so we were inside most of the day. We did go to a birthday party for a friend's kiddo who was turning 1 and then afterwards, Savannah went to her grandparent's house for the night. Elery and I did nothing all night. I ended up watching several movies on TV and he played WoW so I was incredibly bored the entire evening and in a bad mood.

Sunday I woke up and the sun was shining and it was warm and I was in a much better mood. I started watching episodes of The Alaska Experiment on Netflix and we went over to my IL's house around 2. We hung out there with Savannah for an hour and then decided to go home so we could spend some time in the sunshine and Elery could start working on our garden. He tilled the garden and I relaxed on the patio swing while Savannah jump roped and played with sidewalk chalk. I made an early dinner so Savannah could eat with us before we needed to meet up with her Mom. I made eggs, bacon, buttermilk biscuits with jelly, and sliced strawberries. It was delicious if I do say so myself. :) We met up with Savannah's Mom, said our goodbyes to Savannah, and then went home. Around 8 or so a friend texted El to say they were in town and we invited them over. They visited with us until about midnight when I had to nicely ask them to leave so I could get SOME sleep for work the next day. LoL. It was super nice catching up though and I wished I could stay up later but 6:30am comes around awfully fast in the mornings...

Not much going on today. Just a regular work day!

elery, savannah

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