I received my first of two mail-order chick shipments today! In this order, I have three barred Rocks, three Rhode Island Reds, and the hatchery also put in two "packing peanuts" (extra chicks) that I believe are Red Star roosters.
This is an overview of all of them. So tiny!!
Two of the barred Rocks, a Rhode Island Red, and one of the peanuts. :P
Awwww... Rhode Island Red close-up!
More awwww... barred Rock close up!!
These guys are so tiny. They just hatched yesterday from what I understand... and were shipped via overnight mail. The post office called me this morning at 6:30am so I could come and get them.
It won't be long before they are feathered out and acting like big-'uns. :D So I'm going to enjoy the fuzzballs while I can!
Next (and last, at least for this year!) shipment is coming June 8. In that are supposed to be brown Leghorns, Australorps, and Gold-laced Wyandottes.