Drabble: Wildflower (Giles/Anya)

Jan 16, 2011 16:43

And the joy continues...

Title: Wildflower
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Fandom: BtVS
For: ljs
Prompt: Giles/Anya, flowers
Notes: This is a double drabble that takes place in an AU post-Chosen universe in which Anya is most definitely alive. Hope you like it, Lori!

Anya has never been impressed when men give flowers because, in her experience, it's often for selfish reasons. Either they're in trouble and assume flowers serve as an apology, or they're lazy, unimaginative or have forgotten an important occasion, and a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store is an easy out.

Rupert is different.

He stops to buy a single white rose as they stroll the streets of London on their first real date - to new beginnings - and she is touched in a way she's never experienced before. He presents her with a cheerful bouquet of daisies on a random mid-January day because, though she hadn't said a word, he noticed she was feeling a little blue. And suddenly the tears that sting her eyes are ones of happiness instead of sadness.

Today he arrives home with a bunch of wildflowers he gathered at the side of a road on a whim. When she teases him about bringing home weeds, he tells her he picked them because he admires them. "They're...lively. Tenacious and unpretentious. I think they’re quite beautiful." The rest remains unsaid, but the look he gives her is full of unmistakable meaning.

They remind him of her.

pairing: giles/anya, drabble, fic: btvs, fic

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