Drabble: Sparks (Spike/Fred)

Jan 16, 2011 22:22

This is the last drabble for More Joy Day. :-)

Title: Sparks
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Fandom: AtS
For: perletwo
Prompt: Spike/Fred, weapons
Notes: Set around the time of Hellbound

Spike’s weapons of choice are fists and fangs and the occasional well-timed barb. Drusilla seduced. Angelus overpowered. Buffy is the most like him, equally adept with a punch or a pun.

But this girl. This girl is different. Fred is brains and beauty. Genius hiding behind a shy smile. She thinks her way out of a problem instead of fighting her way out. And the fact that she’s willing to fight for him means more than he thought possible. Even in his ghostly form, reaching out to touch her there’s a spark. Maybe someday there’ll be even more than that.

pairing: spike/fred, drabble, fic: ats, fic

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