I'm updating my journal from a Foreign Country!! After almost 24 hours of travel I arrived in Edinburgh yesterday afternoon(local time) and promptly went to sleep :) Luckily I had some miracle anti-jetlag pills from
toniagiuliette so the only downside to the change in time zones was a need for sleep.
I'm pretty delirious to be surrounded by so much history and culture...but I'll muddle through somehow!! The hostel I'm at is very close to the Castle and the Royal Mile (where the Ness Clothing Company has two stores) as well as Waverley Station and the tourist centre, so I can walk pretty much anywhere I want to go. My official orientation isn't until Wednesday, so I'm doing some exploring on my own for now.
The weather's been great so far - sunny and warm yesterday, sunny and cool today. Perfect for going out walking.
Some of the highlights of my sight-seeing so far: Edinburgh Castle, the National Library of Scotland, Fleshmarket Close, a little boy (maybe 3 or 4) in his Sunday best- white shirt, navy sweater vest and a kilt!!
Hopefully I'll be able to share some photos soon! :)