Dec 03, 2008 09:57
In non-potty news, I am pleased to report that Corwin can take his shoes off by himself now, and is expressing interest in trying to put his own pants on, though he hasn't quite figured out how to do it yet. He is very good about standing up and holding onto something while we pull his pants down and then lifting each foot in turn so we can pull them off. Essentially, he can't dress/undress himself yet (except for removing his shoes) but he's very good at participating and helping us do it.
This morning he fed himself almost all of his yogurt with his spoon. I had to scrape out the bowl for him for the last two bites, but I nearly had to pry the spoon out of his fingers to get him to let me do that. So it seems he is finally ready and interested in utensils, particularly the spoon (he's been stabbing stuff with the fork for a while now). This makes me happy. I think maybe I can finally reintroduce applesauce to his diet. :)
On the speech front, he still doesn't have a very large spoken/signed vocabulary (though his comprehension is excellent). Now that he's to the point where he should be gaining spoken vocabulary, he is finally interested in learning signs. He's picking up signs very quickly now, such that I am constantly having to go look up new ones to introduce (and try to remember them myself...ack!). In the past few days he's learned "shoes," "socks," and "car." And he's not picking up spoken vocabulary very quickly at all. He still doesn't use ending consonants, and I can't seem to interest him in repeating even words that contain sounds I know he can make (b, d, g, m, w, c, n). Guess we will keep trying and talk to his doctor when he's two if he isn't making progress by then.
corwin language