The morning nap was a good thing for both of us. I'm doing much better this afternoon, and Corwin hasn't been nearly as clingy and fussy.
The ice maker in our freezer is broken -- it won't STOP making ice. The stop bar won't stay up if we put it in that position, and the big ol' pile of ice in the ice container pushing it up apparently also isn't triggering it to stop making ice. So every time we pull out the top freezer tray, we get ice EVERYWHERE. I'm getting really tired of picking up ice off the floor every time I need to get something from the freezer. Looking online didn't turn up any useful information for this problem, so we'll be having a repairman out Wednesday morning. Yay for $60 diagnostic fees.
On a random tangent, I've been listening to one of the Joe Scruggs cds that Corwin got for Christmas. It was published in 1984, and while the music is still good, some of the lyrics are surprisingly dated. There' s a song on there called "Peanut Butter" that is all about how yummy peanut butter is. I bet that wouldn't go over very well these days when peanuts seem to be all but outlawed at schools and daycares due to allergy issues. And there's another track called "Please don't bring your Tyrannosaurus Rex to Show and Tell" which has a verse admonishing the kid to "Please don't take your brontosaurus through the lunchroom line." My paleontologist friends tell me that there is no such thing as a "brontosaurus" any more. It's a diplodocus, or an apatosaurus. Apparently the creature formerly known as "brontosaurus" was really the same species as the apatosaurus and some scientists just mistakenly thought it was different. You can read the wikipedia explanation here: