
Jul 07, 2009 22:09

Title: Reminder
Author: cielo_claro
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Summary: Sometimes, Jack needs a reminder why he loves Sawyer.
Disclaimer: Lost is property of ABC. I am in no way claiming ownership of any characters involved. I intend to receive no monetary benefit from this work and intend no copyright infringement.
Notes: For today's Luau queen,
elise_509, who wanted some help falling back in love with Sawyer. Also, set in island times, ya dig?


Sometimes, Jack can't remember why he loves Sawyer. He's an obnoxious bastard, and more often than not he ends up being more trouble than he's worth. He spends all day laying in the sun and reading his books, only getting up to pick a fight or have a laugh at someone else's expense. He's a bed hog, he snores and he drools, not to mention he hates swallowing.

But then, there are the days when Jack comes back from a long day of hunting and gathering, or getting Kate out of whatever trouble she'd landed herself into, and he finds a pile of mangos at the front of his tent, or a box of Dharma cookies. One time, Sawyer left him flowers. Jack's pretty sure that's cause the cookies were gone and he didn't feel like picking fruit, but Sawyer refuses to comment on the matter.

And then, he remembers.

Notes: I love Sawyer (and especially Jack/Sawyer) because I think that at heart, Sawyer truly is a hopeless romantic. I hope this helps. (:

what the fuck? aka this is my lost tag, fic, for the lostsquee luau 2009, jack/sawyer, sometimes i do good

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