Relaxation: Or How Jack Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ganja

Jul 06, 2009 23:50

Title: Relaxation: Or How Jack Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ganja
Author: cielo_claro
Rating: PG-13, for drug use.
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer, somewhat implied.
Summary: Sawyer discovers the magical plant on the island, and Jack needs to relax.
Disclaimer: Lost is property of ABC. I am in no way claiming ownership of any characters involved. I intend to receive no monetary benefit from this work and intend no copyright infringement.
Notes: This was really hastily written, but as soon as I knew the Luau theme for today was "first times" I had to do it.

Relaxation: Or How Jack Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ganja

“Sawyer, please tell me this isn’t what I think it is.”

“What do you think it is, doc?”

“Well, I think it looks like a forest of marijuana plants.” His voice hit a note of annoyance; Sawyer pretended not to notice.

“You got it, I found these babies two weeks ago, growing all on their own, and I’ve been watching over them ever since.” He reached out and petted the green leaves fondly, smiling like a proud papa.

Each plant of the small patch towered high over the both of them, long green leaves splayed in the sun, with noticeable brownish red hairs. Jack briefly wondered if this wasn’t some sort of elaborate Dharma joke.

“They’re at full maturity,” Sawyer said, gesturing towards where a few dried leaves rested in the glare of the tropical sun, and Jack could easily identify the mischievous gleam in his eye.

He sighed, rubbing at the headache which had settled at the back of his skull. Out of the million things he had to do (check on Aaron, tend to Sayid’s wound, argue with Locke, figure out what they’re doing about the Others, see what trouble Kate and everybody else was getting into), “cultivating marijuana” was not on the list, let alone whatever else Sawyer had in mind when he had brought him down there.

“Sawyer, what is this all about? I have stuff to do back at the beach.” He tried his best to keep an even tone.

Sawyer smiled, still ignoring the edge to Jack’s tone, much to his continued chagrin. “Now, now, doc, you of all people should know that marijuana has its medicinal value.”

“Great,” he muttered, succumbing to his frustration, “well, I’ll let you know when someone’s got a problem with chemotherapy nausea.” He turned away, fully intending to head back to the beach and make up for all the time Sawyer had wasted, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a million things to d-”

“Jack,” Sawyer protested, cutting off his path, “you can’t seriously say you have no interest in getting a little toked up. All the Dharma beer’s gone, fucking Charlie and Desmond raided my stash, this is it.”

Jack fought the urge to roll his eyes and he tried to push past Sawyer, “No, Sawyer, I have no interest in getting ‘a little toked up’-”

“C’mon, Jack, you’re wound up tighter than a two dollar watch. Those people can live without you for a few hours, nobody’s gonna catch on fire or nothing, I promise. All I’m saying is maybe you wanna take a break, relax a little, enjoy yourself, and I’m offering a way to do it.”

Jack sighed, knowing that to some degree, Sawyer was right. As the island’s only doctor his attention was in high demand, and running around looking at everybody’s splinters and nosebleeds was only running him into the ground. And while a large part of him was screaming about all the terrible things he’d learned about smoking and killing brain cells in med school, another part entirely wanted nothing more than to waste a few hours without responsibility.
Sawyer couldn’t help but to smirked, understanding Jack’s silence. “Right, then, I’ve got an old pack of cigarettes for rolling papers and some of them Dharma waterproof matches, let’s get to it.”

“Where’d you learn how to do this?” Jack asked, watching Sawyer break up the leaves with practiced precision. He’d already split the cigarette open and discarded the filter, explaining to Jack the fine art of rolling joints as he went. Jack couldn’t help but be curious, it’d been a long time since his college days, and even then his party experiences were fairly vanilla. He’d always had papers to write, chapters to read, lectures to go to, and then it was surgeries to assist, doctors to shadow, rounds to make, lives to save, and the list went on.

“One of my foster brothers was a big seller, had me help him out for a while. Got a third of the profits, so long as I did everything right.” Sawyer nodded to himself, sprinkling the green flecks into the open paper with a watchful eye.

“And you still remember everything?”

“Damn straight, these here are life skills.” Sawyer flashed him a broad grin, sealing the joint, and Jack couldn’t help but smile a little back.

“If you say so.”

“There,” Sawyer said, holding up the finished product for Jack to inspect. It was a sloppy job, even Jack could see that, but it was thick, and despite the distance between the two of them, he could smell the heavy, earthy scent.

“You ever smoke something before?” Sawyer asked, though Jack could tell by the way he looked at him, that he already knew the answer.

“Um, not really.” Jack felt a flush rise to his cheeks.

Sawyer raised his eyebrows. “Cigarettes?”


He sighed, knowing he would have to start from scratch. “Alright, then, watch me.” Sawyer put the joint to his lips, clenching it between his teeth and he struck a match, raising its flame to the exposed end. The joint lit immediately, and Jack watched as Sawyer sucked in the sweet smoked and held it for several beats.

“Just like that,” he sighed, letting out a thick plume of smoke as he exhaled, his smile growing ever goofier.

Jack put his hand out for the joint, but Sawyer ignored him. Instead he came to crouch at Jack’s side, and offering the roach to his lips, “Put this end in your mouth- right, like that- now, when I light it you gotta inhale, draw the smoke into your lungs and hold it in there, got it?”

Jack nodded, Sawyer lit the end. He sucked in, just as Sawyer had explained, and struggled to swallow the smoke which burned the back of his throat. His eyes watered and he immediately began coughing.

“Sorry there, Doc, it’s usually a little strong your first time around,” Sawyer giggled a bit, looking pleased with himself. He put the still lit spliff in his mouth and blew another hit, exhaling just as smoothly as the last.

When Jack had finished coughing he found Sawyer at his side again, offering him the roach, “Give it another go.”


“Yeah, doc?”

“Time is moving… really slowly.”


“Yeah. I like it.”

Sawyer just laughed and put his arm around Jack, and Jack felt a wave of contentment wash over him.

what the fuck? aka this is my lost tag, am i sober? who knows, fic, for the lostsquee luau 2009, jack/sawyer, why do i even try

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