Title: A Storm is Coming In
Author: cielo_claro
Rating: PG
Summary: A storm is coming in, and Jack gets caught on the beach. Sawyer's there to save him. S1
Disclaimer: Lost is property of ABC. I am in no way claiming ownership of any characters involved. I intend to receive no monetary benefit from this work and intend no copyright infringement.
A Storm is Coming In
They'd hardly even been there a fortnight, and things had already gotten worse. The wind was whipping by fast enough to blow entire tents away, even those made out of drift wood and scraps from the plane, and Jack could see dark, mountainous storm clouds looming closer with each passing second.
He'd shuttled as many of them to the caves as possible, where he could only hope they'd be sheltered from the elements. But now, the storm was nearly upon them, and here he was, stuck at the beach, trying to piece together what he could of the medical supplies, about to get himself caught in the middle of what he imagined to be, one of the worst storms he had ever seen.
"Hey! Doc!" He looked up, and saw that asshole Sawyer beckoning him into his tent. Two days in and he'd already given everyone atrocious nicknames, pillaged the washed up luggage, and put in place his own "finder's, keeper's" policy. He'd managed to piss off just about everyone on the Island, and Jack was no exception.
"What are you doing out here?" He shouted to be heard over the roar of the wind ripping through the trees, "Everyone's suppose to be back at the caves!"
Sawyer made an exasperated face, "Yeah, well, not everyone. Now, do you wanna get your ass in here or do you wanna die in this damn hurricane? Cause I can tell you, you ain't making it back to the caves before that thing gets here."
Jack caught a glimpse of lightning out of the corner of his eye, and knew that now, more than ever, Sawyer was right.
"Alright, I'm coming!" He swung his backpack over his shoulder and hurried under the tarp, where he was surprised to find Sawyer was not alone.
"I found these idiots trying to salvage their stuff on the beach," Sawyer said, seeing Jack's surprise, "Doc, you know Babar, Mamacita, and the VH1 Has Been."
"Hey man," Hurley said, crouching in the corner, with Charlie and Claire on his right. Claire blushed, and Charlie looked at his feet. Jack was tempted to ask them what exactly was so important that they were willing to die for it, but he realized there were larger problems at hand.
"You sure this thing will hold?" Jack asked Sawyer, eyeing the large hunk of airplane he was using as a wall.
"Doc, I ain't sure of anything right now, all I can do is hope that hunk of metal is wedged in there deep enough to keep from blowing over, and that my boy scout years will have paid off with these knots."