Aug 11, 2006 18:14
I am working on our Calendar for the next few months, and in some cases the entire year. We, all three of us, are going to be seriously busy. Between Casey's travel, coming in and out, Alex's TKD and Tiger Cubs and school, and my small work projects, we are balancing ALOT. But it is so good.
Which leads me to once again PRAISING my new journal. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT and the five individual collumns that I can plan out. I love the bird's eye view, I love the look, I love the way I refuribished the cover. I just LOVE it!
I have been touching base with various tiger Cub parents, we are all in the mad scramble before school starts, but for us (since we are done with school shopping) all we are scrambling over is Tiger Cub planning. This tiger cub Den leader role is alot, alot of everything. But, I really am enjoying it, I am enjoying the relationships, and hopefully the friendships taht will come out it for all three of us.
Did I mention that it is HOT? It is currently 100 and it feels like 107, seriously so sayith the weather lady.
I am slowly getting back into my creative scrapping, i was taking a break. But now I feel super excited and energized. I actually went out and spent my $25 store credit that I had for a local shop. Fun stuff! And I am toying with the idea of submitting for a design team. Deadline is the 14th. Eepp!
GINA, Journal is in the MAIL!! You should get it Monday-ish.
tata back to scheduling