[Myojo][Nov 2008] Takaki Yuya x Yabu Kota - Hey! Say! MAP

Sep 30, 2008 22:24

I am fashionably late. Not that anyone minds. So it is Hikaru's diary. ...I want to read Hikaru's diary. Oh, right. Takaki is a dork and a man of a few words while Yabu takes over the talk and says he is popular.

Hey! Say! MAP
Meet All Partners

Combination 7
Yuya Takaki x Kota Yabu

This month's emoji theme→(let us pretend there is a bicycle here, because I am too lazy to log in my photobucket at the moment)

The combination for this conversation is marked with a ★ on the left.
(This month, Takaki and Yabu's conversation→¨where "taka" and "yabu" intersect is marked with a ★!)

The announcement of this combi's name!!
JUMP's brown-haired combi - the Choppers. Takaki 「Maybe I should change it back to black soon...」 Yabu 「Then that means we'll have to break up right now!」 A crisis so soon?

Bicycles are necessary item to stir up youth!
Yabu I ride bicycles from home to the station. Riding takes around 3 minutes so even though I can walk long distances all the way, it's troublesome. Because of that, I don't use my physical strength!
Takaki Heeh~, I never ride bicycles. The last time I rode one was probably half a year ago, when it looked I was going to be late for work, I rode until the station.
Yabu Don't you have one?
Takaki I selfishly borrow my little brother's. (laugh)
Yabu In other words, you haven't properly ridden one? You surprisingly seem like you haven't.
Takaki Now, I really don't know how to ride one. (laugh) I used to usually ride before, but I wear boots now, right? Isn't pedaling with that kind of footwear hard?
Yabu I'm completely fine with that. This morning I rode to the station, and I'll ride back home, too.
Takaki Hu-n. But nowadays it's soooo hot. Even so, I ride bicycles often. I ride a bus until the station. It's just a little, but I want to decrease the time I spend under the sun!
Yabu In the case of bicycles, if you speed up, you'll feel the wind, so you'll surprisingly be able to live through any hot day. But you inevitably get absorbed in it, and when I was getting absorbed in riding my bike to the station, I passed by a couple riding on one bicycle, and my heart hurt... (laugh)
Takaki That's so sad! Letting a girl ride on the back of a bicycle, I admired that a lot, too!!
Yabu Maa, but riding freely with two passengers would be a traffic violation. (laugh)
Takaki Not two people riding on one bicycle, but riding on bicycles in a line while going home from school... That situation is nice ♡
Yabu Oh-, if so then that wouldn't be a violation. But in my junior high school, they banned bicycles. (laugh)
Takaki Actually, my junior high school banned them too. (laugh) Because I felt that 'bicycles are youth!' even though they were an indispensable item (!?) during the time I was in junior high school.
Yabu All the nation's junior high school teachers! For the sake of your students' youth, please make bicycles OK for commuting to school!! (laugh)
The level of your popularity is measured by the number of bicycle gear you have!?
Yabu When did you start riding bicycles?
Takaki Around kindergarten, I guess. I don't practice, I was able to ride it all of a sudden! fghhgfh -note- Ah, but that was only my first time, even though I don't ride, I
Yabu Amazing. (laugh) Me, I practiced at the park while making my grandfather support me. On the first time I rode, I fell, on my second time, I fell, on my third time, I was able to do it ♪ I was so happy, I ran nonsensically around the park like that for around 5 times.
Takaki You fell a lot, but instead of become a master at falling, you quickly learned how to ride.
Yabu Un. Did you have any faraway adventures when you were small?
Takaki Me, no.
Yabu I'd go to the river on my bicycle, riding with a rhythm, but I'd get flat tires on the way home so it was a bother. (laugh)
Takaki Gyahahaha.
Yabu When I when on a trip, I bought a mountain bike. It was a bicycle that a lot of steps for a gear check that I became a popular person in class. Because mine had 28...
Takaki You serious!? That much?
Yabu See? I was rather popular... I guess.
Takaki Mine doesn't even have more than 6...
Yabu So that means your popularity level is standard.
Takaki Enough already! I wasn't that particular about my bicycle!!
Yabu Okay, okay. (laugh) I've been waiting for this for a long time, so now, let's go somewhere on bicycles.
Takaki For me, the sea is nice. The Kamakura sea is nice, isn't it?
Yabu Mountains are better. If you keep on putting your bicycle on the beach, it looks like it'll rust from the ocean breeze.
Takaki Really? Then I think mountains are good, too.
Yabu Camping, barbecuing, going to hot springs, getting your bike soaked in hot water...
Takaki It'll rust a lot faster that way!

Let's take pictures!
(Takakii's) Kissing face... no, he's just sleeping. (laugh)
(Yabu's) A wish to become cooler ♡

Choppers challenge
Q The pictures below are Yabu's and Takaki's favorite articles. Each will give a hint on their own favorite things. Which of these pictures is of whose favorite thing? Please answer.
A 「An indispensable item during travels. When I use this, I instantly fall asleep. Before, when I rode an airplane for 3 hours, I didn't wake up once.」
B 「」
......The answer will be in next month's publication!
Answers for September→A: Yaotome, B: Arioka

Yes I know I am missing B, I forgot about it and I'll be back with it later okay. D: Do not repost. Corrections are appreciated. ♥

magazines: myojo, jump: takaki yuya, jump: yabu kota, @artist: hey!say!jump

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