So, I have realised that there's been a lot of time since I don't write a review here, not that I write them somewhere else, maybe in my head.. anyway, the point is that I was ready to write something once and for all when this got in my way, more ice cream on the cut
So, the thing is that I am really excited about HSJ!'s new album and that My Girl song that sounds so good, that I didn't notice at all, about this other new album. I've never been too fond to Kisumai's songs, but I do like some of them, I hate that most of them have the kiss word on them, why? Anyway, the thing is that from what I have heard this is a very interesting new work. There are a lot of PV's, 6 of them, I'm so sorry about being so ignorant about the reason for that, but Tama-chan's one is art, and beauty, a beautiful art, is amazing, it totally surprised me!
But that's not the love song I'm referring to in the title, because it also has some individual clips from the recording of this amazing song, yes it's sort of cheesy and nothing extraordinary, but it's its simplicity and the nice rhythm *I totally don't know how to spell that word* that have totally captivated me. So, since there are 7 versions or it, one for each of them, I thought, how about combining a couple of them and listening to the result.. so this came out lol. I didn't listen to all, 'cause I have my favourites, yes, of course Tama-chan, and another one. So, you'll see..the result lol...
And about the album, well, it's actually pretty good, I haven't listen to it much yet, actually just today, and there's no song with kiss in the title, and I don't remember being bothered by any kissing lyrics ha, so, it's good.
I got the raw from kis_my_ft2 comm, kanji lyrics from
here, and the English lyrics are here, I'm not fully satisfied with them.. for some reason, but it's the best I could do... so bear with me
きっと言葉では伝えきれないほどの愛のカタチ 僕なりのLove Song
Surely we won't be able to convey with words the shape and extent of our love, but this is our own kind of Love Song
僕が大好きな君に初めて贈るラブレター 素直になれるかな?
心に感じている 一人じゃないって気持ち 届くといいな
We wonder about this first love letter we're giving to you, to the one we love, will it sound honest?
We hope the feelings from our heart could have reached you, the feeling that you're not alone
あの駅までの帰り道 輝くための夢 胸に いつも歩いていたね
大好きな日もあれば 大嫌いな日もある それでも笑えた
On the way back home to the station, we always walked with a bright dream in our chests
having days that we enjoyed a lot, also bad days, but still, we laughed
落ち込んでるかな? 悩んでるかな?
Maybe feeling down? Maybe feeling troubled?
Let's divide in half by sharing them
これからも笑いあったり 歌い 叫びたいね
不器用なLove Song
Surely, we won't be able to convey with words the extent of the dream we want to see with you
From now on, we want us to laugh about it, to sing it, to shout it
our clumsy Love Song
君の声が僕らの背中押してくれる だから前に進める
僕ら君のために何が出来るのかな? 思うよ そういつも
Your voices are pushing our backs, that's why we can move forward
We're always thinking about what we can do for you
一つ一つの手紙が明日を鮮やかにする まるで魔法のように
この先も輝く未来を創りたい これからもよろしくね
One by one, our letters will turn into a bright future, as if by magic
From now on, we want to make this shiny future with you, from now on, yoroshiku ne (let's make it together)
楽しいときや 嬉しいときは
The fun and happy moments
Let's make them double together
これからも笑いあったり 歌い 叫びたいね
僕たちのLove Song
Surely, we won't be able to convey with words the extent of the dream we want to give you
From now on, we want us to laugh about it, to sing it, to shout it
Our Love Song
心が折れる音がして くじけそうになりかけても 支えてくれたみんな
僕らが迷ったときも 愛し続けてくれて ありがとう
The sound that a heart does when it's broken, may result as daunting, but we were supported by all of you
And to those who continued loving us even when we were in doubt, thank you
これからもその笑顔が ずっと続きますように
ありがとうのLove Song
Surely we won't be able to convey with words the amount of the love we have for you
From now on, we're wishing for our smiles to continue forever
This is our thankful Love Song
A thankful Love Song
[T/N]: After thinking a lot about this.. sorta..I think this sounds as directed to the fans? Could it be? I mean, it looks like, so, the lyrics in here have a bit of a change on pronouns to fit that idea, it's sort of interesting, but I really have no idea about this, haven't watch more about the album. And that will adjust to the idea that this is a kind of response to the fans, well, that's my impression, plus other minor edits, just because I'm never fully satisfy with my poor work, meh, well, I'm just rambling.. And today I've listened to the solos and bang! there's one full of kiss in the lyrics, but's fine if it's just only one, right?. And this has nothing to do with the lyrics but I finally updated the banner, I guess this one will last until November, hahaha, and nice choice of song! That's it bye
[Edit]: So I did my homework! and watched this song's documentary and it's lovely. So, yes, this is a song written by combining all the members' responses to the fan letters and to the members. So, I'll edit the lyrics maybe a bit more, not in the video, so, that'll show how much you need the context in translation, lol, but this also proves that even without knowing much, or nothing, I was able to grasp how special this song is.
I think Miyata did a great job combining the letters, and this ended up having the unified feeling from all the members. Some of the letters were so cute and they sounded really honest on those letters, well, at least as a fan I'd be happy ;D And my favourite part is ..well there are two and they're all about Tama-chan, first the title, I'd also have only thought about a boring title such as Love Song, actually, that was my first title in this post, but Tama-chan's idea is really cool and the title alone calls our attention and gives us an idea of the meaning of the song. Perfect. And the line I like the most, actually the lines, are those about each letter and the bright future, which I think was in some way in his short but sweet letter. I underlined it, because I wanted lol, and yep Tama-chan's idea only included the bright part, I think.
Anyway, it's actually a very interesting album, do check it if possible ;D and my fave songs, after a couple of times listening to it are, well, from the solos, I love Tama-chan's PV and song, and also Kitayama's song is super cute and it is just so sweet, I love his voice+piano, that's great, and at the beginning I sort of mixed his voice with Yabu's, I know they are really not the same, but I did it for some reason. Also, Nikaido's song "Josshi Matsumura no SCREAM” is really something, the PV is so funny and has Tama-chan on it, so it was really fun to watch, I laughed a lot. And among the album songs, I'm really bad with names, but there are a couple of cool songs, & say , also Flamingo is such a good song, at least a fave of mine. I also enjoyed I Scream Night, and the singles, so, I'm glad I found it <3
And that was it, I also like a lot the song with all of them, and I have listened to it like a lot, while doing the video, and I still like it, so, I'm glad I found it.
About the video! here it is, it ended being like the love song of these two! not that I ship them, but I like the result, Tama-chan's part resulted to be so cute, his voice, his face, actually I'm pretty baited, sorry! And the pass for the video is the name, I mean not the family name, lol of his fellow member in Ikemen desu ne! well, I mean, just complete the name Fujigaya _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with no capitals, it has seven letters just like the number of Kisumai members! sorry about this, but at this hour my brain is pretty much gone..
You can watch this video on
So, you should also try to combine the best result lol! Of course, this also has a very shinny karaoke, 'cause that's the only way I karaoke videos lol. And the sound result is not that good, but let's just ignore that and enjoy their voices, the sweet lyrics and the shinny sparkly karaoke, lol.
💿 I Scream Album - English Lyrics
🎶 Re:
Summer Breeze There are a bunch of things going on, and I'm trying to watch a lot of doramas, that I end up not reviewing... why!! and I'm on a little break from subbing... apparently.. Anyway, let's just put some gifs that I stole from here and there...
And Aiba chan with kohai, that's cute
Now.. this was so... I couldn't watch it.. completely, there's something not good here. But.. I hated that they lost, good victory for Kisumai though
This was amazing!!
I remembered that I really love these guys songs
Cute Junba pair, 'cause those two are the best
And Hana yori Matsumoto? J you're the best
This guy is cute
I love your laugh!!
And I like how this journal has become so varied.. now, I'm thinking that the one which is missing is some NEWS song, which btw I love a lot, I'm really enjoying Shige's and Fuma's dorama, I know it's my weakness for shoujo, but it's a lot more interesting that Kiritani's.. and the shoujo guy.. I don't remember his name..
I'm also enjoying a lot, Keiko's dorama, and Hope, I have hopes for it, haven't watch the k-drama version and maybe should do it. What else.. also watched a little of Inoo's one, even though he's not that important there, lol, but it's interesting, not new.. but interesting. I'm also sort of watching the one with the guy with the paperbag, because.. you know.. shoujo, cute shoujo. And I think I gave up from Tackey's one, I really don't like the lead lady.. plus.. haven't you notice that the start is exactly like his old dorama Majo No Jouken?? I mean they bump into each other, there's a ring involved, she is not interested in getting married..he finds the ring.. I mean the SAME, except that he's so grown up now!! I want to review it, it was pretty insane..
That was random..
So, see ya..