Oh, yeah. We're back. We are soooo back. And even better? Now, thanks to the CW, I actually get to watch it on the same day as the rest of you fine folk.
Okay, where do I begin? How about with the fact that I still hate Peyton? Honestly, this distresses me. It does. I used to love her. You all know how much I used to love her. And yet now, every time she came onscreen, I groaned and rolled my eyes. She didn't even have to SAY anything. It was bad. And what I hate even more? Is how Lucas is acting.
Okay, on the one hand....I know that he's in the dark here. I realize that, to him, all of this upset is because of the library kiss and he doesn't know that Peyton admitted she still has feelings for him. He's thinking the kiss wasn't a big deal to anybody but Brooke. Okay, I get that. But at the same time....he KNOWS that Brooke is upset about this. And yet every time he turns around, he runs right back to Peyton. It's not that I think Brooke should get to dictate who he is friends with - especially if she won't tell him the truth about what is going on - but come on. Have a little respect for the girl you claim to love. You know how she feels, so just try to STAY AWAY from Peyton for two damn seconds. Is that really so freaking hard?
And Peyton, I just....GAHHH. I'm having a hard time expressing how I feel about her because all I want to do is throw things and yell. I'm just that annoyed. When she showed up at the hospital - the hospital! - and just stared at Lucas with puppy dog eyes, I wanted to vomit. They're in the hospital, their friends are possibly dying....and yet her behavior made me think that she was only there to be close to Lucas. I shouldn't be feeling that way about her. After all, Nathan is her friend and ex-boyfriend. She had a perfectly good reason to be there. But I couldn't buy it.
And the burning of the pictures? (In her room, which seems dangerous...but all right). And how she took the parts of the picture that were her and Lucas and held them together? ICK. I guess I would feel a little bit better if she was showing some actual remorse, but all I see is Peyton feeling sorry for herself because she didn't get her way. She didn't learn a damn thing from losing Brooke's friendship. Her number one objective is still Get Lucas At All Costs. And I'm sorry, but I cannot and will not feel the least bit sorry for her if that's the way it's going to be.
The "funny" sniping at Brooke nearly made me turn off the television. I can't believe Peyton's attitude that Brooke is being ridiculous about this. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, Brooke has every reason in the world to be upset with her. And then Peyton just goes and mocks it? And of course Lucas puts up with it because he doesn't actually have the balls to say "Hey, Peyton, leave her alone. She's upset about this, so have some respect, okay?"
Which leads me to the breakup. On the one hand....I love love love that the breakup wasn't just about the kiss. They very well could have played it as "Brooke is jealous and upset and can't trust Lucas." But it was more than that. It's the fact that she deserves better than what she gets from him. It's the fact that she's fallen into this pattern of distance with him, and she's realizing that that's not what she wants in a relationship. I love that more than I can express, especially because I think Lucas's behavior in this episode proved without a doubt that Brooke DOES deserve better than that. The bottom line for me is, I don't feel that Lucas respects Brooke or her feelings. Maybe he does on some level, but not enough.
The only thing I didn't like about the breakup is....I'm guessing this is the go sign for a Lucas/Peyton resurgence. And that is something I'm not quite sure I can handle. It's not even about Jake anymore, because I'm at the point where I don't think Peyton deserves him, either. It's more about the fact that I don't like the person Peyton has become.
So needless to say, I didn't much care about the sudden brother. It's going to take more than a sudden sibling to make me like Peyton again. Unless, of course, the sudden sibling is Chris Keller. Please?
The pregnancy....okay, so I'm guessing that Brooke is pregnant, right? Haley was just in the room for support. Which, by the way, I loved. (Except for the fact that it was like, midnight, and everyone apparently has prenatal appointments. What?) I love the contradiction between Nathan, who will not reach out to Haley, with Brooke, who will.
Of course, I'm having a hard time understanding how Brooke's pregnancy plays into things. I was thinking, at the end of last season, that she wanted things to work out with Lucas because she might be pregnant. But now that she's broken up with him....I'm not sure what that means. Was part of the reason she broke up with him because she was pregnant? Or what? I'm slightly confused.
I knew it wasn't Haley who was pregnant. It just didn't make sense to me. She wouldn't be so calm about it. In fact, I had the feeling her announcement might be something about college. So that didn't really surprise me. I will admit, though, about three minutes into the episode, I was already sick of hearing "NAAAAAAATHAAAAAN!"
However, Lucas's so-not-glamorous dive into the water cracked me up for several minutes. Nathan leaps in like a superstar....and then there's Lucas. HA.
The accident itself is confusing me a little, too. My gut feeling for awhile there was that Rachel saved Nathan, not vice versa. They obviously want to redeem Rachel (so I thought, until I saw the previews for next week....we'll get to THOSE in a few), so I thought - what better way to do that than have her save Nathan?
Honestly, I like this new and improved Rachel. She knows that she screwed up big time, and I think it's scared some humanity into her. (However, I could have done without the kissing and crawling into bed with a comatose Cooper. I know you love him, sweetie, but you're being a little scary right now, mmkay?) And I know this will win me no friends - I'm sorry, smithereen! - but I sort of loved the little go-between with her and Brooke. I like that Brooke checked on her. I actually think I can enjoy this friendship. Sure, a lot of it is likely Brooke lashing out at Peyton, but if they want to truly redeem Rachel - and since she's in the credits, I'm guessing they want to - they need her to connect with someone. So I'm willing to see where this goes.
Also - I get that Haley's anger was completely justified, but there's something about Haley when she gets angry. I think it's the self-righteous attitude she tends to get. Whatever it is, I always have a hard time siding with her when she goes off on someone. Maybe Bethany Joy's angry voice just grates on my nerves, I'm not sure. I haven't figured it out yet.
For a split second, when Mouth went back into Rachel's room, I thought she might be hiding under the bed. Ha! And okay, so Rachel has this big house, right? We've heard it referenced before, and I think we've even seen it. Plus Brooke herself mentioned how big it was. So is it really necessary for Brooke to actually sleep in Rachel's room? Wouldn't there be at least one guest room? Or a couch? I mean, come on.
Okay, is it just me, or is there something particularly creepy going on with Paul Johansson's face? I hate to be mean (okay, I don't, really) but....yeah. I know he's got ten times the crazy now, but he even LOOKS crazy and creepy. I don't think I felt that way last season. So I'm not sure what is up with that.
I have to say, I don't exactly condone him grabbing Deb, but I can see where he would. After all, as we know, Dan killed his own brother under the misguided belief that Keith tried to kill him first. And now Deb admits that, oh yeah, it was actually her all along? I can see where Dan would not take to that very well. In fact, I had forgotten that that was their last conversation, so when he grabbed her, I jumped and was like "What the hell was THAT?.....Oh, that's right, I remember now."
Still no hints as to who painted the wall, huh? (Chris Keller!) I'm still going with Crazy Crazy Dan as the culprit. I did like him referring to Young Keith as a smartass ghost, though. Heh. And the gun business at the end.....okay, my guess is, Crazy Crazy Dan is gunning for Deb. But what about Deb? Is she trying to protect herself from Dan? And I see she's back on the pills again. That looked kinda like a suicide attempt to me, but I'm assuming that it was supposed to look that way and she's really just trying to prepare herself. Yes - because getting hopped up on your pills while loading a gun to protect yourself from your crazy crazy ex is always a smart idea. I'm sure THIS is going to end well.
Also, I love that everybody abandoned Cooper. Seriously! You'd think at least Deb would stick around, but no. Everyone was like "Oh, Nathan's gonna be okay - let's go home." Does anybody else even know that he flatlined? And did Rachel play a part in that? My gut says no....that she was there but the reason she ran is BECAUSE she figured everyone would blame her...but I can't be sure.
Dan asking Karen out is unbelievably awkward and hilarious. But I loved Karen admitting to Lucas that she never really got over what happened with them. It's happening, kids. We're lurching towards the so-wrong-its-right Dan/Karen hookup. I feel it in my bones.
Skillz is in the credits, Skillz is in the credits! I did a little happy dance when I saw that. And I absolutely adored him giving Lucas a hard time over Peyton (which he OF COURSE heard about from Beven), because my god, SOMEBODY needs to slap some sense into him. And I think my boyfriend Skillz is the person to do it.
Next week - okay, so Rachel's apparent obsession with Nathan bothers me. This is not the way to redeem her. This is a way to make the audience hate her even more. If we must play this, how about if we have Nathan be obsessed with Rachel for whatever reason? After all, he's already pushing Haley away. (Happy honeymoon, kids! Or not). Instead, Rachel comes across as even crazier and even more evil. Is that really what we want to go for here? I'm thinking no, but then, I also never honestly thought Dan would KILL Keith. So, yeah, what do I know.
Finally - where the hell is Whitey?!
Ahhh. It feels so good to be back. And on the right night, even. Let the bitching commence, ladies!