Yeah, I remembered to watch this week. Woo!
Earl - my god, the Catalina/Joy feud will never get old. NEVER. And I must say, any episode that focuses somewhat on Catalina and features Burt Reynolds is destined to be at least somewhat decent. I love how Catalina always brings up her tragic past. "Nobody apologized to me for the execution-style murder of my cousins..." Haha!
Also, I knew that nobody was supposed to mention Joy to Catalina, but I completely blanked when Darnell took her the lemon bars. I just assumed that Catalina had some sort of unknown grudge against lemons, possibly due to the aforementioned tragic past. I was a little disappointed when it turned out to actually...make sense. Hee.
A rumor is going around that Jaime Presley is pregnant in real life. I wonder, if she is, how's that going to be written into the show? It's not a big deal, I suppose. Joy and Darnell could just have (another) baby.
The Office - I died laughing when Michael urged Pam to "undo the top button...let those things breathe." It's just so....Michael. And poor Toby with his crush on Pam! Aww! I felt so bad for him. Like when he walked into the break room and gave her that little awkward wave and she never even saw it? Poor guy.
Speaking of feeling know, I felt pretty bad for Michael, too. Yes, he's a buffoon, but he was trying to liven things up and have a good time. And everyone just shot him down. Jim's new boss, in particular, grated on my nerves with the "inside joke" business. To me, that was just rude. Michael was trying to be friendly and offer them a drink, there was no need to make him feel bad. And when he was sitting in the room all by himself with the strobe light? Aww.
However...."Does Josh have a girlfriend? Because I have two. Basically" cracked me up. And when he told poor Jan that she was being "so brave about this"? Bwahaha! Oh, Michael. You're such a tool. A lovable tool, but a tool.
ETA: I nearly forgot about Jim's reaction to Angela in Dwight's room! HAHAHA. Oh, I died. I could NOT stop laughing at that. His reaction was just priceless. And he didn't even know it was Angela! He thought it was a hooker! That was the funniest thing ever, just the way he bolted out of that room. I'm still laughing just thinking about it.
Okay, what was that ending? Did Gil figure something out? Because I was totally lost by then. Truth be told, though, I was paying more attention to The Drama of Catherine than the actual case. (Except for when Sven was listing off reasons to be angry at his dad, and he threw in "I'm angry because he named me Sven." That made me laugh.) It's kind of interesting if this is going to be something that comes up later on, though. They seem to be bleeding a lot of the episodes into each other, at least thus far, which is kind of cool. I like it.
I also liked the "resourceful" nanny. She was such an airhead, but every now and then she said something that made you realize she wasn't quite as dumb as she appeared. Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think she was putting on an act - I think she really WAS an airhead - but I liked that she had her moments where she wasn't ALL dumb. It was a neat surprise. And of course, her wandering the house with no shirt on and Nicky being SO confused made me crack up. I love befuddled Nicky.
So, the Drama of Catherine. Can I just say that it royally pisses me off that this is all Sam Braun's fault? I'm so tired of hearing about how Sam is so evil and everything he does is so wrong. When Catherine accused him, I really wanted her to have to go back and eat crow. After all, she's a crime scene analyst. Who's to say that the guy coming after her wasn't somebody connected to her past? If we can have an episode with Nick trapped in a coffin because of someone holding a grudge, I say the same could go for Cath. But, alas....
I'm assuming Sam is dead which, again, disappoints me. I liked him being on the fringes of things and causing trouble, and I wanted to see his relationship with Catherine develop. I do wonder if Catherine will feel guilt for his death, though. After all, if she hadn't been standing out there confronting him, then Angry Gay Man wouldn't have had the chance to shoot him. But, it's who knows.
One thing I did like was that everything was connected. We thought we were done with the original story - about the suicide at the party, which we didn't realize was connected to Sam at all except that he coincidentally happened to be there - but it all tied back around. I thought that was neat, if maybe a little heavy-handed. What, they wouldn't have figured out a connection to Sam sooner? Okay, whatever. I'll go with it.
Admittedly, I did feel badly for Catherine when Lindsay was kidnapped, and then when they found her and Cath couldn't touch her. I also was amused by Warrick later on. You could tell he was SO annoyed with Catherine hovering, but he obviously didn't want to say anything to set her off.
Gil and Robbins singing together was SO CUTE. I heard the music and assumed Robbins was getting his groove on again - which is always fun - but then I realized Grissom was singing, too. Ha! And then when Robbins actually sang out what the cause of death was? I think someone needs their own musical episode.
I still have ER to talk about, but maybe I'll save that for tomorrow when I'm less tired. Hmm...good idea.