First off....I missed the premieres of My Name Is Earl and The Office. I know. I KNOW. I was stressed out today and for some reason, convinced myself that they were coming on at 9/9:30. Which makes no sense, as that's when CSI comes on and I've been all relieved that, as of the moment, none of my shows overlap each other anymore. But that's what I had in my head.
So that's obviously a disappointment. I wanted to see The Office more so than Earl, but I did want to see them both. Does anyone know if you can download episodes off of Limewire? And either way, if someone else saw them, can you give me an update of what I missed? I'm more concerned with The Office (how are Jim and Pam?!?), but recaps on either/or would be super.
Yeah, I know. I'm starting out really well this season, right?
Okay, remember how I said I was doing really great so far this season? (I hope so - I just said it three seconds ago). Well, yeah, that downward spiral is continuing. I got a phone call I needed to take during CSI, and so I missed a lot of it. I can't even begin to tell you what happened with the cases. Uhm, somebody got crushed during a Cirque du Soleil show, but was apparently already dead before the crushing took place. And before the crushing/death shenanigans, somebody grabbed her on a balcony and she lost her purse in a sand trap, which Nicky and my girlfriend Sofphia later found. And....yeah, that's all I've got there. Not a clue who did it, why, what the victim did or who she was....yep.
The other case I followed a little more. A gay guy was thought to have been murdered, but as it turned out, he really did kill himself. I believe there was some kind of disease or some such (something about muscles contracting, hence why he was holding the gun and everybody thought he was in rigor mortis?) involved. And again....that's about all I got. Oh, but there were sesame seeds involved. I figured that one out - from the bag he used to muffle the gunshot. (Why would one shoot themselves at a crowded party, though? Was that explained, too?) And Sam Braun, naturally, was there. But I'm assuming good old Sam, as usual, had nothing to do with it. Good - I'd hate to see Sam go away. He amuses me too much.
I paid a tiny bit more attention to the character-related stuff. I'm finding Catherine's story pretty interesting thus far. Possibly because we're still in the beginning of the season, so I'm not quite in "I hate All About Catherine!" mode yet. I worry a little bit about Nick. I'm sure, once the truth comes out, he's going to feel guilty for leaving Catherine alone in the bar. That's just how he is. I did like the dancing together, though. That was cute. I can't see them as any kind of a couple - it doesn't make sense to me - but as good friends dancing together, they were adorable.
The collection of the evidence was a bit...okay. As soon as she pulled out the tampon, I was like "Is she doing what I think she's....oh, wow, she is." But it makes sense, I suppose. They wanted to show that Catherine, in some sense, was keeping her CSI hat on and knew she needed to at least attempt to get the evidence of what happened to her. What I'm curious about....where was she? First up, she was looking out the window, and I could have sworn she saw the cops at the other hotel room. Maybe I just got confused by the cutting back and forth, though. If they were really nearby - wouldn't she have gone to them? I suppose she could have been embarrassed, but at the same time, if she's collecting evidence, then she's obviously not planning to just pretend this never happened. So that threw me a little.
As for the bathroom scene....was that still in the hotel room or wherever she was? Because my first thought would be, get the hell out of there. She didn't know who did this to her, she didn't know if he was coming why stick around? Certainly to take a shower. That just freaked me out. Again - my attention level was kind of sporadic, due to the phone call - so maybe I missed something. Maybe she actually was back at home. But I'm not sure.
I'm not even beginning to understand this new case that Gil and Sofphia were working on (again with the attention level) but I imagine I'll get a better explanation of that next week.
Other character happenings....for some reason, Grissom seemed less attractive to me. I figured maybe it was just the prospect of the Geeklove (which I'm still wholeheartedly against), but then I realized after the fact - no beard! I never found Gil all that attractive until he had the beard, and now that it's gone, I'm back to square one. I wonder if they got rid of it so he would appear younger and more likely to be with Sara? Or else maybe Petersen just got tired of it, who knows.
Is Warrick still married? Are we EVER going to pick up on that story? I imagine most of the audience has forgotten about it by now. Way to drop the ball, CSI.
I love Brass, as always. I love that he doesn't see himself as any kind of a hero, because his cop instincts should have clued him in to the guy and he should have never been shot in the first place. Aww. Also, you would think if Greg was scared to think of Jim in a sweater, he'd definitely be terrified to see him in a wifebeater.
Louise Lombard is in the credits! Yay! I'm sure I'm one of only a few people who is happy about this development, but I am. I love me some Sofphia. (See the icon). I was a little worried that, now that they've decided to go with the Geeklove (all together now - ick), she'd be shuffled off somewhere and never heard from. There were rumors at the start of last season that she and Wallace Langham were both going to make the credits. That didn't come to pass, but I'm glad to see her there now. I'd still like to see Hodges in the credits, but I'll take what I can get.
Oh - one thing I forgot to mention. When Catherine was in the bar, she looked over to see who was buying her a drink. Her vision was already fuzzy by then, and there was a guy kind of leaned back looking at her. I think she assumed he was the guy who was trying to buy her a drink. But what I'm wondering is...was he blocking someone else? He was leaning way back, and I got the impression that there might have been someone behind him. But I don't know for sure.
I guess that was a little bit more than a smattering, huh? For someone who barely watched the show, I sure did have a lot of comments. As per usual.
On to ER....
Okay, this one I could pay a lot more attention to. First up, I have to say - WHY IS THE BABY A BOY?! What is it with ER and their China-like resistance to female infants? Carter's baby was a boy, Kerry's baby was a boy, Susan's baby was a boy. I was 99.9% positive that Abby and Luka would have a girl just because NO ONE has a girl on ER. So that disappointed me.
And yes, I cried. The first part that got me is when Luka was standing guard over the baby and Kerry told him to be with Abby. He said that Abby didn't want the baby alone, and Kerry patted him on the arm and said "He won't be." Aww! Weaver kills me. And then, when Abby had to tell Luka about the hysterectomy and asked him if he was okay with just one and started crying, I did, too. Damn show.
I'm disappointed that Abby had a hysterectomy. I know it amps up the drama - if baby Joseph doesn't make it, then this is it, no more kids for Abby - but, still. I love the fact that she was clearly upset about it. For someone who was sort of ambivalent about having kids in the first place, you could tell she had it in her head that she'd have more, or at least have the opportunity for it. And I love - love! - the fact that she and Luka are a team now. It wasn't "I can't have another one", it's "we can't have another one." It's like there is no doubt in Abby's mind that she and Luka are going to be together. I really, really liked that.
I also liked that she held it together in the operating room while Luka was there, but broke down once he left. Honestly, Maura Tierney did such an amazing job in this episode. Between her and Linda Cardellini, everybody else just sort of paled in comparison. Luka smashing the mirror at the end....I wasn't entirely sure what that was about. Was that just the emotions and frustration of the day finally coming out? After all, he'd been doing his best to hold everything together for Abby's sake. But there was a part of me that wondered if that was frustration over Abby's hysterectomy. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Jerry survived! I had come to the near-certainty that he wouldn't, especially once I saw him in the promos for that Men In Trees show (whatever it's called....Anne-Heche-In-Alaska is what I tend to call it). I figured there was no way. But maybe he'll be pulling double duty, since his role on ER isn't all that big. And Frank's devastation just killed me. Frank! He was so terrified and concerned for Jerry! Aww. I love Frank. And Jerry, too. His mother was a little much - did we really need the semi-comic relief, especially when it wasn't all that funny in the first place? - but I loved that Morris did his best to take care of her. Personally, I just loved that Morris was so involved. For a guy who acts like an ass, you could tell that he was incredibly concerned about Jerry, to the point where he rarely left his side. Aww!
Not much to say about Neela or Pratt. I know that they played roles, Neela certainly, but....yeah, just nothing really to say about it. I see that Stamos is back next week, though. While I love Stamos and I loved his character, I'm a little iffy about this situation. I hope they're not dropping the Neela/Ray tension just because they got Stamos to come back. However, it does seem a throw Neela into an actual love triangle immediately after her husband died. If they wanted to create tension between her and Ray, Gallant's death did that. But I guess I'll reserve judgement until I see how it plays out.
On to Sam's story, which I found to be one of the more exciting stories. (Obviously). For all of the time that Cardellini spent on the backburner last season, they're more than making up for it now. I thought she was excellent as Sam. She was just so broken and weary, but yet determined to save Alex from Steve. I loved it when she told Alex that she hadn't been the best mother, but she would do anything to keep him safe.
I know that nobody much likes the actor who plays Steve now, but I thought he was actually quite right for this role. He made Steve veer from being pathetic and confused to being desperate and dangerous. I'm not sure that I could have seen Cole Hauser doing that. It was easier to believe that Steve might not be totally capable of what he was when you looked at this actor. I was surprised when he killed his co-conspirators. I think that was the point. We were supposed to think that, if anybody snapped, it would be his fellow prisoner. And I realized later that he had to have planned to kill them, hence why he led them into the farmhouse - so Sam and Alex wouldn't see.
He was clearly off his rocker, but you could see that he believed, deep down, that if he could just have Sam and Alex back, it would all be okay. He was just that unhinged. I figured Sam would end up shooting him. I thought she would at first when he started having sex with her, but then, she'll wait until he's done and possibly asleep. Then she made the run for the van and I thought "Hmm, okay, maybe not." But as soon as she looked at Alex (who can apparently sleep through ANYTHING), I knew she'd do it. Poor Sam. I do wonder what the consequences will be for her, though. You'd think she couldn't be in all THAT much trouble, considering that Steve did kidnap her and her son and kill at least two other people. Besides, who is left to argue that Steve didn't die justly? Who would really care? But who knows. I guess they can argue the fact that he was sleeping and she clearly had time to get in the van and drive away. But I don't see why anyone would. Should be interesting, though.
So, yeah. I see hope for CSI - even if I missed most of it - and ER definitely appears to be humming along nicely. (But why is the baby a boy?!) And I have to admit, while it's going to be hard to remember Without a Trace on Sundays, it's definitely nice to not have to worry about taping everything.
ETA: Oh, I forgot to add....I loved Luka teasing Abby about naming the baby Mongo. I knew all along that she'd have a horrible cramp and everything bad would start again, but it was a nice light moment. And I love that, once Luka said it, he had to turn his head because he couldn't look at her without laughing. Heh. I like goofy Luka.
In other news....and I have yet to respond to the last comments, which I'm definitely going to....but I believe I may have found the CW. It's on some random higher channel (253 on Comcast...okay) appears to be there. I'm kind of knocking on wood, afraid that as soon as I say that, I'll be wrong, but I think I may have gotten lucky. So maybe there will be One Tree Hill for me after all. Thank GOD.