Confession Making a Comeback

Sep 26, 2007 00:09

Such an odd story to find in the Wall Street Journal, of all places, but this is very interestingWhat are your folks thoughts on confessing sins to another? It is clearly commended in Scripture, James 5:16, as a healing rite. This passage in particular, as well as the authority given by Christ to the Apostles to forgive sins and hold them bound, ( Read more... )

confession, about the community

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pastorlenny September 26 2007, 12:44:31 UTC
We encourage ongoing confession in several ways. One is regular pastoral meetings that cover a lot of territory, but confession is welcome. My understanding is that confession is meant to occur in the context of a relationship -- and that this provides the exposure of the fault and the ongoing accountability that simply dumping verbally on someone who you don't know and doesn't know you cannot. We also promote personal relationships within the body so that people have friends they can talk to and trust. Sometimes, after I preach for a while, we will actually breakup into pairs as led by the Holy Spirit (men with men, women with women) and have a time of one-on-one sharing and prayer right there in the service. This is part of our overall emphasis on empowering everyone to step into the ministry of reconciliation ( ... )


chaeri September 26 2007, 14:12:12 UTC
This is one reason I am so big on 12-step groups.

have you heard of Celebrate Recovery?


pastorlenny September 26 2007, 14:33:29 UTC
Celebrate Recovery, Overcomers Anonymous, and More Excellent Way are among some of the groups that Christians have created in an attempt to replicate the 12-step thing and somehow make it more "kosher" by basically using the Bible instead of AA/NA literature and doing away with the "Higher Power" terminology in favor of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I appreciate the intent of these movements and have been involved in several of them. My general view of them is somewhat iffy for a variety of reasons that I don't have time to go into at the moment. Let's just say that if I have diabetes, I don't insist that my doctor be a Christian. I need him or her to be a good doctor. Addiction is a disease (albeit with a spiritual component). I'd rather send someone in need of recovery into a room with 25 pre-Christian alcoholics with a cumulative total of 180 years of solid sobriety among them and strong working knowledge of all 12 steps than I would a room with four sponsorless Christians who are doctrinally strong but experientially weak ( ... )


chaeri September 26 2007, 14:45:51 UTC
hm, have you ever been to a few weeks of meetings of any of those groups?

those are some pretty strong statements. CR has brought our church alive, saved my parents marriage, my relationship with them, and my relationship with my brother as well as my relationship with God.

CR is what the church ought to be - as soon as you walk in you know that you will be accepted no matter what because, well, everyone else is there for some reason. if someone were to say "so why are YOU here" you can come back with that exact phrase.

i think its a bit judgmental to write off all those groups, especially if you haven't been to at least a month of meetings of each.

before anyone says anything about how its God that saves: God works through people, groups to bring his salvation.


chaeri September 26 2007, 14:51:03 UTC
it also sounds like you don't quite understand how CR works. you can't just be a leader right away - you have to have solid understanding of the bible, undergo some training, and have had success in beating your own addiction, even if you still struggle. there are guidelines and materials to follow while going through the program, so its not a bunch of people sitting around chatting.

its not hiding out - there is no such thing as a structured Recovery group for many addictions, or for people who had to live with someone with an addiction. the only well-known one is AA, which is for alcoholics. NA is not as well known nor does it exist in many places. any other support group is through a local hospital or doctor, which most people don't know how to access.

also, some people just are simply more comfortable being with christians while discussing their problems - and that's not something i am going to judge them for.


pastorlenny September 26 2007, 16:40:05 UTC
you have to have solid understanding of the bible, undergo some training, and have had success in beating your own addiction, even if you still struggle.

Understood. But one of the key gaps here is sponsorship, which is one of the cornerstones of the 12-step program. Bible understanding, training, and "success in beating your own addiction" (which is a sort of unfortunate construction) are great -- but it's sort of problematic to sponsor someone when you yourself have not been sponsored by someone who has a sponsor. Call me legalistic, but it's definitely a kind of "apostolic succession" thing.

there is no such thing as a structured Recovery group for many addictions

Which addictions might those be?

NA is not as well known nor does it exist in many places.

Where does it not exist? And not well-known by whom? And does it matter how well known it is? Aren't its effectiveness and the scriptural/clinical validity of its practices the key issue?


chaeri September 26 2007, 16:48:16 UTC
well, CR does the sponsorship. at least in my church, the original sponsors are, respectively, a pastor (who is sponsored by his pastor who is sponsored by the presbyter) and a well respected woman in the church who has her own sponsor. everyone is strongly encouraged to find a sponsor in the group - preferably a group leader.

NA doesn't exist very much in this area - at least, i've barely heard of it.

addictions such as pornography, sex, anger, judgment, prescription medication, or personal issues such as co-dependency from anything other than alcohol, self-doubt, suicidal tendencies, depressions etc don't have any nationally known AA counterparts.

as i said in another comment - i hope it doesn't come off as too defensive, and i am sorry if it does. i just get protective and knee-jerk react to anything that smacks of "you don't need support!God is enough!" which i realize was not what you said. probably shoudl think before i post :/


pastorlenny September 26 2007, 17:26:18 UTC
No worries. I'm just the opposite, as you can tell. I've just seen better results in the secular groups that have greater depth of experience and draw from a broader population ( ... )


chaeri September 26 2007, 17:51:49 UTC
well, CR isn't just for an addiction to work through to get sober. it also applies to the underlying issues - and there are ALWAYS underlying issues. you can work through depression in a group like that by admitting that you are depressed, by asking others to support you, by working through the things that have caused the depression ( ... )


pastorlenny September 26 2007, 15:01:40 UTC
I've launched them, led them, supported them, and been sending people to them for more than a decade. I don't doubt that they can be quite effective -- and, yes, we have seen people come to Christ during the meetings. I'm just letting you know what my overall view is. The percentage of people achieving long-term abstinence (i.e. five years or more) is about twice as high in mainstream 12-step groups as it is in church-based meetings. The secular groups tend to particularly out-perform the Christian ones when it comes to food, pornography, and smoking.

I am glad your experience has been successful. Just like some congregations do better than others, so do some 12-step groups. We even see that among different AA groups. Some become quite strong, while others seem to lack the same efficacy.

CR is what the church ought to be Here, I very much agree. That's why I try to bring a lot of CR vibe into the church itself -- rather than compartmentalize it into a weekday evening meeting. But I generally push people who are entering ( ... )


chaeri September 26 2007, 15:33:14 UTC
i am glad we agree on the main point, and i hope i didn't sound too defensive. CR and AA have been a huge help to my family, and i tend to get overly protective of things that i like.


pastorlenny September 26 2007, 15:34:49 UTC
Me too. So nobody better mess with you!!!


chaeri September 26 2007, 15:37:26 UTC
thanks :)

my pastor had an excellent sermon a few weeks ago about what the church ought to be. actually, all the sermons are online, free. i can send you the link if you want to check them out.


pastorlenny September 26 2007, 15:39:48 UTC
Sure. If they're good it will save me a lot of work.


chaeri September 26 2007, 15:54:34 UTC
LOL now now...

Radio Sermons - our local radio station broadcasts the sermons of our pastor. he finds it really weird, but its been going on for at least 20 years so he didn't feel it was a hill to die on, so to speak.


catholic_heart September 26 2007, 17:01:36 UTC
I don't attend AA anymore for personal reasons, but the time I spent there was a wonderful experience, and really played a significant role in my own coming back to Christ. I agree with you wholeheartedly, the 12 Steps can be a very powerful path back to God, especially when they are applied in such a way that the "Higher Power of your choosing" becomes none other than Christ Jesus.


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