roydon's mistake was to cover up too much. They allowed the bad-guys to congregate and get stupider & stupider to the point where they are now VERY MUCH on the radar.
Croydon's Violence Issues are now so bad that no cover-up will hide them.
I used to go to a European Superclub AND I am trained by Landlords & the PYBT. I think it's safe to say I have good credentials on this one. They ( the Croydon bosses ) did me when I tried to show them how to do it, but there you go.
And now Croydon is second roughest borough in London.
I did try *shrugs*. Apparently popularity & sex are more important to them. Hey-ho.
Old Slimes was run in a much more professional way. Respect the ladies, don't be a dick, & hide the drugs. The bouncers would have your guts for garters if they found you waving drugs about or being too blatant, as they did not want to lose their jobs ( strangely enough ).
Croydon covers up, instead of chucking out; and that means the real trouble can congregate ( not the decent clientel ). Hence why Croydon Violence is so bad now.
Bromley appears to get decent clientel. I recognise the style of 'policing' they use. It's fine by me. I just need them to dress up more ;)
Cover-ups are not how you do it. If the person ( who could be a lady ) is being a dick then out they go. And if the bloke harasses her in a real way ( not just asking her out on a date; I mean real harassment ) then out they go. Bye-bye Scotty etc.
Croydon does things the opposite way. Hence the trouble they now have.
Cocaine & Neurosis. Cocaine & violence. If I was the dealer, and my clientel were being this stupid, I'd relocate to a different location; simply to make sure I was not exposed by the dicks my clientel in Croydon turned out to be. What dealer wants to be busted because their clientel are too cocky?
I'm still glad I'm out, but I do think it's sad that the good crowd ( about 50% of The Kids in Croydon ) are going to have to lose stuff because of teh dicks in control. Hopefully I'll be able to bump the decent Croydon kids sideways to Bromley with my project I'm trying to build out there. At least they'll have something then.
Seriously, 50% of the Croydon kids are ok. It's the current Croydon dominant pack that are idiots.
Part work, part social, but I want the music to survive this current Croydon Crisis.
I fell a-foul of Torture Garden rules again. Oh dear! :D
Yeah, TG is a strange old place. It's full of Porn-stars, and a lot of porn-stars think they are expert psychologists as they do sex. What they don't get is that sex is not major for A LOT of people. The non-sexy types have a fairly high level of self-control generally, unlike porn-heads.
Being a porno-bunny would not score you an NHS job. Indeed. You are no expert on Psychology I'm afraid, but try telling them that...
With me I am primarily Spiritual ( it's how I manage my mental injury. I have an inner groovy-place ). Second priority is friendship ( we are social creatures after all ). Third priority is sex ( it may be fun, but it CAN go wrong ). A porno-bunny will think that sex is number 1 as, in their world, sex is ALWAYS number 1. They just don't get us outlanders.
The difference between old Slimes & TG is, basically, this difference in thinking. In the race to be the dominant thang ( a friendly rivalry in reality ) TG won, which is why so many people keep making this mistake.
I don't mind as long as it stays civil; but in some incidents they really have got quite nasty with their gossip & verbal abuse; because of how over-confident and wrong they are ( it felt awful to me, as they were simply spreading lies ). Social stuff can be great; but sometimes it is a real pain in the ass. I'm not a Feeder for example. I hate fat chicks. But will they listen? Of course not *shrugs*.
I won't name names, as she is a decent lass and this is the only clash we've ever had. I hope the air clears, and I have clarified what I meant. I just keep forgetting how weird TG can get at times. They are 'of another world', and I am not a huge fan of their world. TG-land is just too assuming & sex-obsessed, basically.
Yup, I am still in this Golconda-de-nookie. Sex just isn't important to me. As for English women? Far too many are simply too Consumer. Demanding stuff ( as they have a vagina ) that, well, the price they ask is more than they are worth IMHO. Can they repair a BLAH? Usually no. Exactly; useless in the bigger scheme of things.
I am repairing my Leather Jeans. Have done the holes, but Zipper Science is like heavy stuff man. Number this, 8" of that; by jove! Still, they're easy enough to hand-stitch in when you get the right one. Repair, recycle, keep the peace; that's my way.
I am looking rather ghostly cowboy these days too. Part of the Post-rock Apocalypse way I dress. Carl McCoy as the outlander etc etc, but with a hint of Rob Smith & 80's Trad-goth. Clod-hoppers, solid reliable this & that, recycled bits & bobs too, and a 'dark man' theme. Whilst still wearing poet-shirts. It's fun, and does feel right to my way.
Sexy huh? ;)
The return of Hairy Chris, as Nicky dubbed me all those moons ago :)
Saw a fun Haiku about Cats climbing on things:
I've forgotten it now, but the last line was 'How do I get down.' Cats are still great :)
Adapt & survive baby, adapt & survive.
Yeah, life is picking up. About time after that past month of hell. 3 weeks with a broken tooth & a spike going into my tooth-pulp was, erm, a bit much shall we say.