Elections Have Consequences, 1st Day Of Winter Edition

Dec 22, 2011 10:35

Now, I am absolutely not a fan of the indefinite detention parts of the NDAA. And, when somebody like this fellow calls the signing of the Act a "scene from a failed Presidency" I feel his pain. I really do.

But then I see things like:

A) This kiss, which, prior to Obama, would have been grounds for immediate courts-martial of both parties.

B) The announcement of new clean air rules that will finally get dirty coal-fired plants grandfathered in the 1970s out of service. (And no, Virginia, the rule will not cause a wave of blackouts.)

This is on top of health care, saving GM and Chrysler, leaving Iraq, etc., etc. If John McCain were President, none of this would have happened. Hell, we'd not only still be in Iraq but probably bombing Iran by now. Most of the time, human progress comes, not in a rush, but in the slow day-to-day grind of incremental change.

politics, military, obama 08

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