Eve of Christmas Eve Link Salad

Dec 23, 2011 10:44

I'm on vacation for the rest of the year, and I have no idea what that will mean for posting. Enjoy the links:

1) The Mary Celeste, the unluckiest ship ever.

2) A brief overview of why Robert Falcon Scott wasn't able to win the race to the South Pole.

3) Like the link says, the anti-hero of "Young Adult" isn't unlikeable, she's mentally ill. Mental illness is not just foaming at the mouth.

4) Thanks to the Kepler probe, astronomers find two Earth-sized planets orbiting the same star. I keep meaning to write the next Great Intergalactic Space Opera, but I would kinda like astronomers to get a better idea of what a "typical" solar system looks like.

5) In another edition of "elections have consequences," US auto industry shuts door on another strong year. The auto industry, for the second year running, outperformed the economy as a whole.

politics, link salad, reviews, cars, space

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