
Apr 19, 2009 23:27

Title: Legacy
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Character: Sky, Jack
Rating: G
Word Count: 425
Disclaimer: Power Rangers SPD belongs to Disney. I only own the plot.
Notes: Part of an incomplete series called Diaries Of An Ending. Set after Endings, pt 2. This is a rewrite of the original Sky-centric story, which was titled Calm Before the Storm; I'd basically wanted to rewrite it from the moment I posted it, but only managed to find the right words recently - nearly three years later. Also, Bridge's part (which is also the last) is now underway, though I can't say when it will be complete and posted.
Warning(s): Spoilers for Endings, pt 2.
FF.net Link: None.
Others In the Series: Losing Heart (Syd), Left Behind (Z), Choices (Jack).
Summary: Sydney used to tell me that I should have been the Green Ranger. It took me a while to understand why she said that.

Sydney used to tell me that I should have been the Green Ranger. It took me a while to understand why she said that.

I guess I was just so far off in denial: I wasn't jealous of Jack, no... Absolutely not. But I was. And I was angry that a street rat, a thief like him had become Red Ranger in a heartbeat while I'd been working, training for that for so many years. I was so mad at Commander Cruger when I found out that for a fleeting moment, I considered quitting SPD. If they couldn't see my potential, then they didn't really need me.

I changed my mind about quitting, obviously: I convinced myself that if I could only prove to Cruger that he had made a mistake, that I was so much better than Jack and that the red morpher should have gone to me, then I would get what I wanted.

Now, though, I've long understood that I don't need to be wearing red to honor my father's memory. The simple act of doing my best to protect the world from evil continues his legacy, no matter what color uniform I'm wearing. No matter if I'm doing it wearing a uniform at all.

If Jack heard me right now, I think he'd probably hit me and say it took me long enough to come to my senses.

Ironically enough, I'm the Red Ranger now. And if I'm honest with myself, I don't know what shocked me most: being promoted, or finding out that Jack had left SPD.

Once a street rat, always a street rat, I guess. We all knew that Jack wasn't cut out for SPD, but it doesn't change the fact that he was a good Ranger.

If anything, I'm glad I get to step in his shoes, so to speak. Now, I don't only have my father's leadership as an example to look up to, but Jack's as well. I guess I had more to learn from him than I thought.

Still, it felt weird to find myself in red spandex, the first time I morphed after my promotion.

I think Jack understands that. I can see it in his eyes as they meet after hearing our morphers chime. He nods almost imperceptibly, his gaze never leaving mine.

You can do it. It’s your turn to lead now.

One corner of my mouth quirks up, just enough to show him that I've understood.

I reach for my morpher, holding it out in front of me.

"SPD Emergency!"

fic, diaries of an ending, power rangers, power rangers spd

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